All the help I need (Updated when I need new help)

So, this is the topic that pwns for all my help since creating a new topic for small little f*cking help isn't needed. If it's easy or not, I don't understand why some Errors are coming up.

I leaned a bit of scripting but I'm still a n00b at it. I can't even change the gamemodetext because of Errors :S, The public OnGameModeInit worked. but I added GameModeText. on the wiki it says that no return 1 is needed, even if I add it I have Errors. look at the code:

#include <a_samp>

public OnGameModeInit()
SetGameModeText ("Reactiontest+DM+Minigames");

Error: error 030: compound statement not closed at the end of file (started at line 11)

WTF, I don't even have line 11!

1. Wrong section

pawn Code:
public OnGameModeInit()
  SetGameModeText ("Reactiontest+DM+Minigames");

Thanks, hope you do not get sick of my questions since you answered them Thanks, you rock!
people, if I encounter more problems, stay tune @ this topic!

EDIT: sorry for creating script help topic into the Client board. my bad. can any Admin move it to the Scripting Discussion? then it's home lol

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