Host more than 1 server?

How do I host more than one server? I cannot port forward a different IP because of the ports. I cannot change the ports because then it doesn't find the server. How do I do this?

It's very easy. Yes, you do need to forward another port. Like 7778 for example. Then make a copy of or re-download the samp server files and rename it to something like samp2. Then open server.cfg and change the port line to 7778. Then you just use yourip:7778.

It works, I have 3 servers on my PC.


also i have 5 and u just need to port forward the ports for the servers u will use

Good luck with your server' And use the same idea Pyrokid told you . Although you might get un-organized due to the fact that you will have to check log;s and all of that , I wish you the best =D

If you have two ip's you can use "bind" in the server.cfg

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