Any scripters on?

Looking for scripter(s) to start a new project. We want it roleplay, and just that. Full expenses on server will be bought asap once agreed terms, and full admin access will be given. We already have a VBulletin license, which will be used towards the server community for further IC roleplay and OOC. I know what you're probably thinking, why the hell would I want a free host when you're just out to steal my script? Well the truth is, we're not coders. We just want to build a community, and help make your script possible via payments. It will be your game mode, your server, we will just be running the hosting for you. If you would like to know more information, please feel free to PM me or add me on MSN;!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,
~ Myke


I can help you, but i don't speak english

He tried helping but he has DM Only so looking for a RP Still!


No good scripter would be scripting free, especially for an unknown server that's not up yet, good luck finding one..

I would.
I script for my fun.
But I'm busy creating other category gm's so cant help.

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