24.03.2009, 17:22
**Cars 'round LS**
By Klutty
Hello there dear SA:MP users, this is my first Add-On, its nothing big it just adds some cars around LS, at the 24/7 parking, 3 LSPD cars inside their garage, 2 LSPD bikes, inside the garage, and some other cars parked a little here & there.Maybe nice for those who is setting up an Roleplay server, and who wants some cars 'round the city to make it more realistic, but are too lazy to do it themselves =) There are not many cars in there, and I PLEASE don't want any "useless, lol" comments. I will add more cars to it when I have more time! This Add-On was just created quick out of boreness.
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m5351e57cMediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=f...4e75f6e8ebb871