Couple OnPlayerDeath questions........

(You can skip these 2 paragraphs if your lazy )

O.k so I have been scripting now with pawn about a month maybe longer, and its fun, annoying at times but fun. I started on a animations filterscript, got better enough to move on to edit/bug fix a gamemode (*cough* LARP *cough). I was going along just nicely pretty much ignoring everything I read about making a fresh from scratch game mode, that was until a couple days ago. A Friend of mine started talking about making a team death match script, so I sat and listened to his ideas. After he was done giving me the (very raw) basics I asked him what can you script, to which he replied player and vehicle spawns, maybe some team shit, so I was like coo get a start and send it to me we can do this......

So that night I started to brain storm and his game mode idea was filling me with SO many idea's, and the next day I get a raw script with 3 teams and some weird ass spawn points and 4 vehicle spawns (oh yea teams were bugged and so was some stuff on the class selection screen but really Pendragon gave me the start (iunno I hate setting up spawns). That night I worked out all the bugs in the Class selection and teams. Now its a couple days later and today we had 4 players testing the VERY raw but mostly working TDM, and I must say you guys are right making your own GM from the start is the BEST, sorry but I really DO NOT want to give to many details about this mode I would rather keep it under wraps till I get a lot more done first, but I need to know some stuff........

The Questions......

So pretty much what I want to do is a player die's I want to get his current position, change his team (our teams are based on skins well classid, 1 skin per class 10 classes on one team, some on another etc..), so I guess his skin also since he switched teams (there isn't a SetPlayerClass?), and then respawn him at his OnDeath position. Is this possible to do on player death (or will it force the spawn to fast?) or do I have to make a custom function?

Also is it possible to have a custom on death message? ( I know the lil icons are prob not possible) like a message instead of a picture?

Killerid "did blah blah to" Playerid


nvm found SetSpawnInfo works like a charm

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