attach :S

is it posible to attach player to player?

like if player 1 walks player 2 will be attached and he will walk with him too even if player 2 doesn't want that to do :S

sry if my topic is stupid but i really don't know anything about thoes attachments but i would like to learn so...

No you can't, but you might be able to simulate by using SetPlayerPos, using a timer (boo, hiss) and toggling the player uncontrollable.

Probably not worth the hastle.

You can but.. it can be a hatsle, you mean like a drag command?

i'd like to create smthing like

/grab [ID]

and he is tyed and i can drag him all around San Andreas

btw: it's for RP server xD

The only thing you can do is create an object and attach him to it.
OR use setplayerpos and freeze him

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