help please

	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
 	if (PlayerToPoint(1.0, i, 1684.7642,-2099.3738,13.8343))
		GameTextForPlayer(i, "~b~28th Streat CripZ~n~~w~/enter~n~ ", 4000, 5);
	else if(PlayerToPoint(1.0, i,1554.9419,-1675.7074,16.1953))//error 010: invalid function or declaration
		GameTextForPlayer(i, "~b~Los Santos Polica~n~~w~/enter~n~ ", 4000, 5);
	else if(PlayerToPoint(1.0, i,1526.1729,-1677.5127,5.8906))//error 010: invalid function or declaration
		GameTextForPlayer(i, "~b~Police Lifted~n~~w~/inside~n~ ", 4000, 5);
please help

error 010: invalid function or declaration
im gettin the shame shat. really annoying, as im sure i put it all in the pawno rite, Midostream.

E:\program files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\server\filterscripts\MidoStream.pwn(42) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

it would help to say what exactly your problem is rather than just pasting some code from pawno. Tell us what lines, and post those problem line(s).

pawn Код:
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    if (PlayerToPoint(1.0, i, 1684.7642,-2099.3738,13.8343))
        GameTextForPlayer(i, "~b~28th Streat CripZ~n~~w~/enter", 4000, 5);
    else if(PlayerToPoint(1.0, i,1554.9419,-1675.7074,16.1953))
        GameTextForPlayer(i, "~b~Los Santos Polica~n~~w~/enter", 4000, 5);
    else if(PlayerToPoint(1.0, i,1526.1729,-1677.5127,5.8906))
        GameTextForPlayer(i, "~b~Police Lifted~n~~w~/inside", 4000, 5);

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