Money Inflation

Okay, I need help, I got this new thing for my server, its "/signcheck [numbers]" everything works, just the only thing is that it will only give everyone anywhere from $1 to $300 dollars, like this...

The check was already signed before I took the picture, I was just showing you an example of what I typed, so can anyone tell me how to inflate the money on my server?

you mean, like, inflation?
you could make a timer, which raises a variable, let's say "inflation", by some percentage daily (let's say 0.5% a day).
Then on payday you just add the value of "inflation" to the payday.

No, by inflation I mean, more money on payday, I know how to make stuff cost more, and how to set peoples bank accounts, I just don't know how to make them get more money on payday, say like $2500 dollars when there level 1 and just make it keep raising as they get a higher level

As I am assuming this is a Godfather edit, or an edit of a script based off Godfather, you will need to edit the values given to the players info "pPayCheck" on the PlayerInfo enum, this is where the amount increases, at default Godfather I think it increases at a timer, you could higher this timer. If that does not lower it enough to what you would like, just remove that part of the timer, and make a random() function before the paytime is called using the "pPayCheck" value being edited, and the rest will be displayed on the normal paycheck text.


I think Godfather also gives money based on the players level. I remember looking over that a long time back.

You'll have a code similar to GivePlayerMoney(playerid, money);

Change money to strval(money);

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