Banned, lol...

me and my friend were messing around, we were testing the hack protection, now it turns out, intead of kicking when you kill someone with a banned weapon, it bans you, now im banned from my own server, i cant connect to rcon remote console, and manny used /rcon unbanip ***.***.***.***, but and it still didnt unban myself, and the * are just a replacement of my IP, where are the bans held in the server files?

btw, the server IS a linux and FcuckIt anti cheat was used

The banlist can be found in samp.ban file which is in your server directory, and since your ip is banned you cant use rcon to reload bans so you will have to restart the server manually.

server has been restarted like, 7 times, manny has rcon so could he do it? or cant you use rcon at all?

Well if hes not banned tell him to use /rcon reloadbans but make sure that your ip isnt in the samp.ban file

we checked, we only banned 2 people, one for attacking the server, other was a hacker
but ill try reloading bans, thank you guys for the help

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