ip logger

hey guys i tryed to do a search for a script that logs ips and sends out a warning if someone login with the same ip something like this "WARNING: Player XXXXXXXXX has been flagged and joined the server. if theres one out can someone point it out to me so i can grab it

I'm also looking for this sort of thing. To where we can add an IP to like watch list and if that IP joins it send a warning.

Maybe like this.

pawn Code:
new WatchIP[2][16] =
  "and so on"

new plrIP[16];
GetPlayerIp(playerid, plrIP, sizeof(plrIP));
if (!strcmp(plrIP,WatchIP[0]) || !strcmp(plrIP,WatchIP[1]))
   //Send the message

On my script on player connect has a shit load of stuff in it. Does it go at the start or end?

Also is this correct? I didn't see where you had it that it sends a message to the admins idk if this is right tho I just copied another warning
Like this?

new WatchIP[2][16] =
  "and so on"

new plrIP[16];
GetPlayerIp(playerid, plrIP, sizeof(plrIP));
if (!strcmp(plrIP,WatchIP[0]) || !strcmp(plrIP,WatchIP[1]))
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) 
SendClientMessage(COLOR_RED, "Player %s is using the ip &s This IP has been flagged (Caution).", playerid, IPConfigid);

There is an IP logger in my logging system, you can either pick it out of there, or use the whole logging system.


Warning: You will have to mod this to show the ips to the admins. but if you dont know how to do that. I suggest taking on an easier project.

I dont care if you put credits that you use my system in your script, just post a simple thank you in the thread where you get my logging system. Thats enough for me.


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