Help me D:

Im trying to get a command to work in a area but its showing these Warnings

warning 213: tag mismatch
warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

this is what the code looks like

dcmd_stunt(playerid, params[])
	if(PlayerToPoint(1995.5, 1518.0, 2006.0, 1569.0))
	#pragma unused params
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, stuntSpawn[random1337][0], stuntSpawn[random1337][1], stuntSpawn[random1337][2]);
			return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, Message(playerid, "NOT_AUTHORIZED"));
	return true;
This code shows the warning, if(PlayerToPoint(1995.5, 1518.0, 2006.0, 1569.0))

if you mean that function:
PlayerToPoint(Float:radi, playerid, Float, Float:y, Float:z)

... you have to write:

if(PlayerToPoint(8.0,playerid,1995.5, 1518.0, 2006.0, 1569.0))

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