synchronizing problem

Hey there..

Recently I found that scripts which I write make my server become not synchronizing.
While the scripts ON, every player see himself only and other players can be just near to him, but he doesn't see them.

When I unload these scripts - the server automaticaly become synchronizing again.


Script - ON >> Players next to each other, but don't know/see this.

[unloadfs script]

Script - OFF >> Everything become well.

[loadfs script]

no synchronization


Just one command [unload/load] make all the difference!!! :O

What I don't understand is - my scripts don't/shouldn't control players' synchronization or client's side...
I programm my script as always...

Do you have any idea

Returning 0 in OnPlayerUpdate disables sync.

Thanks for fast replay

I will check this and tell if it works

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