Need help with houses / house cars

I have two problems. The first one is:
How can I make vehicles so they can only be driven by certain players, like if they appear locked to other players?
Someone already told me about SetVehicleParamsForPlayer, and I tried to do that, but I failed. If you have another idea please tell it, if you're sure I'm suposed to use SetVehicleParamsForPlayer, please post an example so I can see how to do it.

The second question is:
In multiplayer, the safehouses from single-player, are open for everyone(safehouses, Madd Dog's Mansion for example, 24/7, etc). How can I remove their entrances? I know it's possible because I've already seen servers without those entrances, but I don't know how to do it.

Thanks in advance,

1) Look at how to use SetVehicleParamsForPlayer in the Wiki
2) DisableInteriorEnterExits() in OnGameModeInit

Read the Pen1 Topic to know how to do it for PEN1... Switch to pen1 lol :P

Originally Posted by .:>|★Fr4zZ★|<:.
Read the Pen1 Topic to know how to do it for PEN1... Switch to pen1 lol :P
Why would he want to switch to PEN1?,
Are you just posting random shit to get your post count up?
1) He could have a stunt server/DM/RP
2) PEN1 is old

Thanks for the house thing.
But about the SetVehicleblablabla I checked wiki and I tried doing it, but it didnt work, thats why I was looking for someone who could post an example or something...

About the Pen1, I'll try checking that.

Originally Posted by Wheels
Thanks for the house thing.
But about the SetVehicleblablabla I checked wiki and I tried doing it, but it didnt work, thats why I was looking for someone who could post an example or something...

About the Pen1, I'll try checking that.
There have been a LOT of updates to PEN1, PEN1 > GODFATHER > MODERNTOPIA(MYSQL) > Citywide(MYSQL),
Search for a simple vehicle lock system and study the code to see how to use SetVehicleParamsForPlayer

Yeah, I'll try doing that tomorrow now I gotta sleep
Well, thanks for the help.

SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid, playerid, is-objective, is-locked);

pawn Code:
new vehicle = AddStaticVehicle( .................... );
lock a car for a player:
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
  SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicle, playerid, 0, 1);


Why would he want to switch to PEN1?,
Ask him dumbass.

Are you just posting random shit to get your post count up?
Are YOU arguing with random people accross the internet to get your post count up?

1) He could have a stunt server/DM/RP

2) PEN1 is old
Nope, its a classic.

And IDK about you but arguing is quite pointless in this matter. So, the moral of the story is, STFU.

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