
I recently got PENLS, (penls=penis lol) and I see that almost all of the houses are owned by players who arent even in the game! (In the scriptfiles I mean) so I tryed to get rid of them in propertys.cfg and replaced there names with The State. But then it said "The State" owned the house! Can someone help me here?

Greatly appreciated,

There is a pen1 topic made, read the house tutorial in there, and you'll get your answer.

Haha stupid me :P kk thanks

just add this to your script

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/sellallhouses", true) == 0 && IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
        if ((IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)))
          for(new all=0; all< sizeof(HouseInfo); all++)
            HouseInfo[all][hHel] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hArm] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hHealthx] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hHealthy] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hHealthz] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hArmourx] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hArmoury] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hArmourz] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hLock] = 1;
            HouseInfo[all][hOwned] = 0;
            HouseInfo[all][hVec] = 516;
            HouseInfo[all][hVcol1] = -1;
            HouseInfo[all][hVcol2] = -1;
            strmid(HouseInfo[all][hOwner], "GOD", 0, strlen("GOD"), 255);
            format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~You have sold all propertys");
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 10000, 3);
            return 1;
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "  you are not authorized to use that command!");
        return 1;
log onto RCON and typ /sellallhouses and vфila

OMGosh ty you saved me 30 minutes :P

He also cost you many, many bugs

This is exactly why I tell you guys to READ THE PEN1 TOPIC.

Do not DARE post about your bugs in the topic now that you fucked it up with that command

Oh my gawd your right... My houses now say Owner: """""" <- and exactly that!


I got rid, and removed all the owners. Its a good idea to lock this topic.


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