Yeah i didn't saw that thanks. But it still does not save.
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] mysql_connect("", "server_707", "*****", "server_707_mickey", 0)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Create(this=0x81d8568, host='', user='server_707', pass='****', db='server_707_mickey', options=0x8283b38)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [INFO] Creating new connection handle...
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0x8305bc0, host='', user='server_707', passw='****', db='server_707_mickey', options=0x8283b38)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x8306340
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0xf5504008, host='', user='server_707', passw='****', db='server_707_mickey', options=0x8283b38)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x831a8a0
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0xf5504008, connection=0xf5504008)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnectionPool::CConnectionPool(size=2, this=0x8305ba0)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0xf4b7e008, host='', user='server_707', passw='****', db='server_707_mickey', options=0x8283b38)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x831cea0
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0xf4b7e008, connection=0xf4b7e008)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection(this=0xf42fc008, host='', user='server_707', passw='****', db='server_707_mickey', options=0x8283b38)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::CConnection - new connection = 0x831f610
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::CThreadedConnection(this=0xf42fc008, connection=0xf42fc008)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [INFO] Connection handle with id '1' successfully created.
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CHandleManager::Create - new handle = 0x8305a98
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] mysql_connect: return value: '1'
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] mysql_errno(1)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CHandle::GetErrorId(this=0x8305a98)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CConnection::GetError(this=0x8305bc0, connection=0x8306340)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CHandle::GetErrorId - return value: true, error id: '0', error msg: ''
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] mysql_errno: return value: '0'
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `PLAYERS` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `USERNAME` varchar(24) NOT NULL, `PASSWORD` char(65) NOT NULL, `SALT` char(11) NOT NULL, `MONEY` int(11) NOT NULL, `HEALTH` int(11) NOT NULL, `ARMOR` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSX` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSY` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSZ` int(11) NOT NULL, `ANGLE` int(11) NOT NULL, `INTERIOR` int(11) NOT NULL, `VIRTUALWORLD` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`USERNAME`))", "", "")
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8303c00, name='', format='', params=0xf5a0d874, param_offset=5)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x8305a98, type=1, query=0x8321b7c)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0xf42fc008, connection=0xf42fc008)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0xf5504008, connection=0xf5504008)
[04/29/20 11:32:07] [DEBUG] CThreadedConnection::WorkerFunc(this=0xf4b7e008, connection=0xf4b7e008)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5A0D4A4, 225, "SELECT * FROM `PLAYERS` WHERE `USERNAME` = '%e' LIMIT 1")
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x8305a98, src='Mickey')
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='Mickey', this=0x8305bc0, connection=0x8306340)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: 'Mickey'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '59'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "SELECT * FROM `PLAYERS` WHERE `USERNAME` = 'Mickey' LIMIT 1", "OnPlayerDataLoad", "d")
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8303c00, name='OnPlayerDataLoad', format='d', params=0xf5a0d48c, param_offset=5)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnPlayerDataLoad': 5
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [INFO] Callback 'OnPlayerDataLoad' set up for delayed execution.
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x8305a98, type=1, query=0x8329874)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8321b7c, this=0xf5504008, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8321b7c, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [INFO] query "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `PLAYERS` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `USERNAME` varchar(24) NOT NULL, `PASSWORD` char(65) NOT NULL, `SALT` char(11) NOT NULL, `MONEY` int(11) NOT NULL, `HEALTH` int(11) NOT NULL, `ARMOR` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSX` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSY` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSZ` int(11) NOT NULL, `ANGLE` int(11) NOT NULL, `INTERIOR` int(11) NOT NULL, `VIRTUALWORLD` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`USERNAME`))" successfully executed within 0.460 milliseconds
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x831a8a0, query_str='CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `PLAYERS` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `USERNAME` varchar(24) NOT NULL, `PASSWORD` char(65) NOT NULL, `SALT` char(11) NOT NULL, `MONEY` int(11) NOT NULL, `HEALTH` int(11) NOT NULL, `ARMOR` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSX` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSY` int(11) NOT NULL, `POSZ` int(11) NOT NULL, `ANGLE` int(11) NOT NULL, `INTERIOR` int(11) NOT NULL, `VIRTUALWORLD` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY (`USERNAME`))')
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700b00'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0x0'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8329874, this=0xf5504008, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8329874, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [INFO] query "SELECT * FROM `PLAYERS` WHERE `USERNAME` = 'Mickey' LIMIT 1" successfully executed within 0.891 milliseconds
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CResultSet::Create(connection=0x831a8a0, query_str='SELECT * FROM `PLAYERS` WHERE `USERNAME` = 'Mickey' LIMIT 1')
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] created new resultset '0xf3700b20'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] fetched MySQL result '0xf3700738'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] allocated 0 bytes for PAWN result
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8303c00, index=5, num_params=1)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [INFO] Executing callback 'OnPlayerDataLoad' with 1 parameter...
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] pushed value '0' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '5'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count(0xF5A0D88C)
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count: return value: '1'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[04/29/20 11:32:51] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5A0D508, 225, "INSERT INTO `PLAYERS` (`ID`, `USERNAME`, `PASSWORD`, `SALT`, `MONEY`, `HEALTH`, `ARMOR`, `XPOS`, `YPOS`, `ZPOS`, `ANGLE`, `INTERIOR`, `VW`) VALUES ('%i', '%e', '%s', '%e', '%d', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d', '%d')")
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString(this=0x8305a98, src='03FFA888C307107BA1E6F499CE842A858308532698958BF92824175795418EC9')
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CConnection::EscapeString(src='03FFA888C307107BA1E6F499CE842A858308532698958BF92824175795418EC9', this=0x8305bc0, connection=0x8306340)
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CHandle::EscapeString - return value: true, escaped string: '03FFA888C307107BA1E6F499CE842A858308532698958BF92824175795418EC9'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [ERROR] mysql_format: destination size '225' is too small
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '0'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "", "OnPlayerRegister", "d")
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8303c00, name='OnPlayerRegister', format='d', params=0xf5a0d4f0, param_offset=5)
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnPlayerRegister': 9
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd' with parameter index 0
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '0'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [INFO] Callback 'OnPlayerRegister' set up for delayed execution.
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 1 parameter
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x8305a98, type=1, query=0x83299bc)
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x83299bc, this=0xf5504008, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x83299bc, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [ERROR] error #1065 while executing query "": Query was empty
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CConnection::GetError(this=0xf5504008, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8303c00, name='OnQueryError', format='dsssd)
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnQueryError': -10047
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '1065'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value 'Query was empty'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value 'OnPlayerRegister'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value ''
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '1'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [INFO] Callback 'OnQueryError' set up for delayed execution.
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 5 parameters
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8303c00, index=-10047, num_params=5)
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [INFO] Executing callback 'ŮW' with 5 parameters...
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] pushed value '1' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] pushed value '' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] pushed value 'OnPlayerRegister' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] pushed value 'Query was empty' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] pushed value '1065' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '-10047'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[04/29/20 11:32:57] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] mysql_format(1, 0xF5A0D500, 225, "UPDATE `PLAYERS` SET `MONEY` = '%d', `HEALTH` = '%f', `ARMOR` = '%f', `XPOS` = '%f', `YPOS` = '%f', `ZPOS` = '%f', `ANGLE` = '%f', `INTERIOR` = '%d', `VW` = '%d' WHERE `ID` = '%d') ")
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] mysql_format: return value: '213'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery(1, "UPDATE `PLAYERS` SET `MONEY` = '0', `HEALTH` = '0.000000', `ARMOR` = '0.000000', `XPOS` = '0.000000', `YPOS` = '0.000000', `ZPOS` = '0.000000', `ANGLE` = '0.000000', `INTERIOR` = '0', `VW` = '0' WHERE `ID` = '0') ", "", "")
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8303c00, name='', format='', params=0xf5a0d4ec, param_offset=5)
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute(this=0x8305a98, type=1, query=0x8329d3c)
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CHandle::Execute - return value: true
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery: return value: '1'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] cache_is_valid(0)
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] cache_is_valid: return value: 'false'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CConnection::Execute(query=0x8329d3c, this=0xf5504008, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CQuery::Execute(this=0x8329d3c, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "UPDATE `PLAYERS` SET `MONEY` = '0', `HEALTH` = '0.000000', `ARMOR` = '0.000000', `XPOS` = '0.000000', `YPOS` = '0.000000', `ZPOS` = '0.000000', `ANGLE` = '0.000000', `INTERIOR` = '0', `VW` = '0' WHERE `ID` = '0') ": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CConnection::GetError(this=0xf5504008, connection=0x831a8a0)
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create(amx=0x8303c00, name='OnQueryError', format='dsssd)
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CCallback::Create - callback index for 'OnQueryError': -10047
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '1064'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value ''
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value 'UPDATE `PLAYERS` SET `MONEY` = '0', `HEALTH` = '0.000000', `ARMOR` = '0.000000', `XPOS` = '0.000000', `YPOS` = '0.000000', `ZPOS` = '0.000000', `ANGLE` = '0.000000', `INTERIOR` = '0', `VW` = '0' WHERE `ID` = '0') '
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing specifier 'd'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] retrieved and pushed value '1'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [INFO] Callback 'OnQueryError' set up for delayed execution.
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] created delayed callback with 5 parameters
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0x8303c00, index=-10047, num_params=5)
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [INFO] Executing callback 'ŮW' with 5 parameters...
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] pushed value '1' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] pushed value 'UPDATE `PLAYERS` SET `MONEY` = '0', `HEALTH` = '0.000000', `ARMOR` = '0.000000', `XPOS` = '0.000000', `YPOS` = '0.000000', `ZPOS` = '0.000000', `ANGLE` = '0.000000', `INTERIOR` = '0', `VW` = '0' WHERE `ID` = '0') ' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] pushed value '' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 's'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] pushed value 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] processing internal specifier 'c'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] pushed value '1064' onto AMX stack
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '-10047'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0'
[04/29/20 11:33:00] [INFO] Callback successfully executed.