MySQL save while Kick/Ban

Hello guys, can u please help me with my problem?

Using MySQL for saving stats, everythinks work fine while normal disconnect, but when i call Kick or Ban player, his account didnt save (save with 0 value). Any solutions?

Actually, I have an idea. Delay the ban/kick and save the player data before kick/ban.

hmmm try to "UPDATE" or "INSERT INTO" banned database, everytime you ban the player. Actually this method its very safe than saving ban data every player disconnect

Why not try to, Make a timer when the player will be kicked or banned, before that save the call save account

Maybe this can solved
new kickuser;
CMD:kick(playerid, params[])
    if(params != INVALID_PLAYER_ID || params != playerid)
        if(sscanf(params, "i", kickuser)){
            //Your save Callback or Code
            SetTimerEx("KickUser",10000,0,"i",kickuser); //10 Second is better with callback
     return 1;
forward KickUser(kickuser);
public KickUser(kickuser)
     return 1;

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