Originally Posted by Grumbles
Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. I'm using OnPlayerCommandText as the command client.
Okay. Then first I'd highly recommend using a command processor such as SmartCMD or Pawn.CMD, they are advanced but still great for beginners (YCMD, which is my choice, is GREAT as well, but may be a small bit more confusing).
Then, since you want to do a comparison with all of your commands... you'll want to do something similar to below;
pawn Код:
return (inp1 > inp2 ? inp2 : inp1);
LevenshteinDistance(strs[], strt[])
new n = strlen(strs), m = strlen(strt);
new d[128][128];
if (n == 0)
return m;
if (m == 0)
return n;
for (new i; i <= n; i++)
d[i][0] = i;
for (new j; j <= m; j++)
d[0][j] = j;
for (new j = 1; j <= m; j++)
for (new i = 1; i <= n; i++)
if (strs[i - 1] == strt[j - 1])
d[i][j] = d[i - 1][j - 1];
d[i][j] = mathMin(mathMin(d[i - 1][j] + 1, d[i][j - 1] + 1), d[i - 1][j - 1] + 1);
return d[n][m];
// CHANGE THIS. 20 should be changed to your number of commands.
new commands[NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS][] = {
new match, // matching command with least changes
distance, // number of changes to make command
least = 1000; // random high number
for(new i; i < sizeof(commands); i++)
if(strfind(commands[i], string, true) != -1)
distance = LevenshteinDistance(string, commands[i]);
if(least > distance)
match = i;
least = distance;
return commands[match];
`GetClosestCommand` will decide which of your commands take the least number of changes from the given typed command and return it as a string.
For OnPlayerCommandText this may look like this;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[])
// all commands here
new response[128];
format(response, 128, "Error: This command didn't exist, did you mean /%s?", GetClosestCommand(cmdtext));
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, response);
return 0; // this is still going to show the UnKnown command message unless you change this to return 1, however this this will break other scripts... Another reason to switch processors.
Again, you should definitely stop using OnPlayerCommandText. Switch to a better command processor and this entire process is a bit simpler. The strcmp method is SLOW AS HELL and has other issues. It's an outdated method that should've never existed.