problem with dialogs

When a players connects, usually then server starts a timer of 10 seconds and after that he gets the dialog for password. I have updated my to a way newer version and now every time player connects and when he gets Login TD-s he instantly gets the dialog for password and whatever he types in that dialog he will not be able to login, button for entering password in dialog just does not work, while the button for exiting (kick the player) works. I have disabled every Fix with dialogs, and I tried to get my old include back, with it everything is working normally, but I need the new, so why is this happening. Also I saw that this dialog which does not work is not the same dialog as that one which should be showed. I dont know what code should I post, type down if you need any... Thanks for help [rep].

EDIT: I seems to like Y_INI is not working, because when player connect something needs to be loaded for his account, if it is loaded Login dialog would be different.

Here is the code where dialog needs to be shown (I have rembering password system, and there is loading players old IP before this code, it was working properly but now when I added new fixes it is not):
forward LogReg(playerid);
public LogReg(playerid)
	KillTimer(LogRegTimer[playerid]); SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 99.0); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); 
        SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
 	    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRememberPW] == 1)
 	        new ipnow[25];
 	        GetPlayerIp(playerid , ipnow, sizeof(ipnow));
          	if(strcmp(ipnow, PlayerInfo[playerid][pLastIP], true) == 0)
       			SetTimerEx("Remember", 7000, false, "d", playerid); //this just spawns player without typing PW
       			new loginstringi[256];
				new loginnamei[126];
				PlayerInfo[playerid][pRememberPW] = 0;
				format(loginstringi,sizeof(loginstringi),""SERVER"Welcome on LudaKuca RolePlay Gaming\nYour`e logging in from a new IP\nYou must type password again\n\n"BELA"Your name: "SERVER"%s\n\nUnesite Vas password",loginnamei);
 	    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRememberPW] != 1) //this dialogs shows but my remebering PW is on 1, before this code there is loading of that remebering so this should not happen
			new loginstring[150];
			new loginname[126];
			format(loginstring,sizeof(loginstring),""SERVER"Welcome on LudaKuca RolePlay Gaming\n\n"BELA"Your name: "SERVER"%s\n\nType in your password",loginname);
         //register system
	return 1;

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