Problem OnPlayerEnter/LeaveDynamicArea

So, I have 10 areas big and 10 areas small.

I have a big area: id 10, and in the area with ID 10, i have another area that is a little small then area with ID 10. The problem is that, OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea is not called for that small area, only for the big area.

How should I fix this?

Change area ID's, since as far i know, two areas can't have same ID.

Or just:

pawn Код:
new YourAreaName[1];
Then you can use YourAreaName[0] for big area and YourAreaName[1] for small area.

Originally Posted by SymonClash
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Change area ID's, since as far i know, two areas can't have same ID.

Or just:

pawn Код:
new YourAreaName[1];
Then you can use YourAreaName[0] for big area and YourAreaName[1] for small area.
I have something like:
turf_area[turf_id][0] = ..CreateDynamicRectangleEx bla bla..

event_area[event_id][0] = ..CreateDynamicRectangleEx bla bla..
turf_area and event_area have different ID but still OnPlayerEnter/LeaveDynamicArea isn't called for event_area, I think is because the turf_area is bigger than event_area as size.

its like here:

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