[Need Help]

I have a problem here,when the reported player is disconnected,the server shows that the player is still reported,and should not be.

Ph: https://imgur.com/Apty5Yx

if(CosminInfo[playerid][ReportedBy] == 1)
      //ServerInfo[ServerReports] -= 1;
	  //CosminInfo[playerid][ReportedBy] = 0;
      if(ServerInfo[ServerReports] == 1)
        ServerInfo[ServerReports] = 0;
	  foreach(new l: Player) if(CosminInfo[l][Level] >= 3)
	    if(ServerInfo[ServerReports] == 0) TextDrawHideForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[0]), TextDrawHideForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[1]);

Just add code to remove that report under OnPlayerDiscconect, or show me your report command

Originally Posted by TokicMajstor
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Just add code to remove that report under OnPlayerDiscconect, or show me your report command
The Report system work with command "/res" to resolve reports,I will leave here both commands

CMD:res(playerid, params[])
	new Player; eString[0] = EOS; new LittleCount[10]; new Reason[128];
	if(CosminInfo[playerid][Level] < 3) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}You must to be Admin Level 3 to use that command", "{E4EDF4}Trebuie sa fi Admin Level 3 pentru a folosi comanda respectiva");
	if(sscanf(params, "uS[50]", Player, Reason)) return SendUsage(playerid, "/Res [ID]");
	if(Player == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}Player is not connected", "{E4EDF4}Jucatorul nu este conectat");
	if(CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy] == -1) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}This player has not been reported by anyone", "{E4EDF4}Acest jucator n-a fost raportat de nimeni");
	foreach(new i: Player) if(CosminInfo[i][ReportedBy] != -1 && i != Player) format(eString, sizeof(eString), "\n#{E4EDF4}%d {FF8000}%s {E4EDF4}reported {F81414}%s {E4EDF4}: %s", ReportStr, i, PlayerName(CosminInfo[i][ReportedBy]), PlayerName(i), 1);
	new Str[2500];
	if(CosminInfo[playerid][Language] 	   == 1) format(Str, sizeof(Str), "{3399FF}[REPORT]: {F81414}%s {E4EDF4}ti-a rezolvat report-ul pe {F81414}%s", PlayerName(playerid), PlayerName(Player));
	else if(CosminInfo[playerid][Language] == 0) format(Str, sizeof(Str), "{3399FF}[REPORT]: {F81414}%s {E4EDF4}resolved your report on {F81414}%s", PlayerName(playerid), PlayerName(Player));
	SendClientMessage(CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy], -1, Str);
	ServerInfo[ServerReports]--; CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy] = -1; format(ReportStr, sizeof(ReportStr), "%s", eString);
	format(LittleCount, 10, "%i", ServerInfo[ServerReports]);
	format(LittleCount, 10, "%i", ServerInfo[ServerReports]); TextDrawSetString(ReportInfo[1], LittleCount);
	foreach(new l: Player) if(CosminInfo[l][Level] >= 3)
	    if(ServerInfo[ServerReports] == 0)      TextDrawHideForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[0]), TextDrawHideForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[1]);
	    else                                    TextDrawShowForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[0]), TextDrawShowForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[1]);
	format(eString, sizeof(eString), "{3399FF}[ADMIN]: {F81414}%s {3399FF}has solved report id {F81414}#%d", PlayerName(playerid), Player); MessageToAdmins(COLOR_YELLOW, eString);
 	return 1;
CMD:report(playerid, params[])
    if(CosminInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3 && CosminInfo[playerid][King] < 1) SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}You can't make a report because you're an Admin", "{E4EDF4}Nu poti folosi comanda deoarece esti Admin");
    	new Player, Reason[128], LittleCounter[10], Str[2500];
        if((gettime() - reTimer[playerid]) < 10) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}You can use this command only once at every 10 seconds", "{E4EDF4}Poti folosi comanda o data la 10 secunde");
        if(sscanf(params, "us[128]", Player, Reason)) return SendUsage(playerid, "/Report [ID] [Reason]");
		if(Player == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}Player is not connected", "{E4EDF4}Jucatorul nu este conectat");
		if(Player == playerid && CosminInfo[playerid][AccRcon] == 0 && CosminInfo[playerid][ElPatron] < 1 && CosminInfo[playerid][King] < 1) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}You can't report yourself", "{E4EDF4}Nu te poti raporta");
		if(CosminInfo[playerid][Level] >= -1 && CosminInfo[Player][Level]) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}You cannot report this administrator", "{E4EDF4}Acest jucator poate fi raportat doar pe forum: www.Olds.Ro");
		if(CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy] != -1)
			format(Str, sizeof(Str), "{00FFFF}/Reports: {FF0000}%s(%d) {FF8000}tried to report {FF0000}%s(%d){FF8000}. Reason: {FF0000}%s, {FF8000}but it was already reported!", PlayerName(playerid), playerid, PlayerName(Player), Player, Reason);
			if(CosminInfo[playerid][Language] 	   == 0) FormatMSG(playerid, -1, "{00FF40}/REPORT: %s(%d) a fost raportat adminilor online! (Motiv: %s)", PlayerName(Player), Player, Reason);
			else if(CosminInfo[playerid][Language] == 1) FormatMSG(playerid, -1, "{00FF40}/REPORT: %s(%d) has been reported to the online administrators! (Reason: %s)", PlayerName(Player), Player, Reason);
			return MessageToAdmins(COLOR_ORANGE, Str);
		format(ReportStr, sizeof(ReportStr), "%s\n{00FF40}#{E4EDF4}%d {FF8000}%s {E4EDF4}reported {F81414}%s {E4EDF4}: %s", ReportStr, Player, PlayerName(playerid), PlayerName(Player), Reason);
	    if(CosminInfo[playerid][Language] 	   == 0) FormatMSG(playerid, -1, "{00FF40}/REPORT: %s(%d) a fost raportat adminilor online! (Motiv: %s)", PlayerName(Player), Player, Reason);
		else if(CosminInfo[playerid][Language] == 1) FormatMSG(playerid, -1, "{00FF40}/REPORT: %s(%d) has been reported to the online administrators! (Reason: %s)", PlayerName(Player), Player, Reason);
		format(Str, sizeof(Str), "{F81414}/Reports: {00FFFF}%s(%d) {00FF40}reported {00FFFF}%s(%d){00FF40}. Reason: {00FFFF}%s", PlayerName(playerid), playerid, PlayerName(Player), Player, Reason); MessageToAdmins(COLOR_YELLOW, Str);
		ServerInfo[ServerReports]++;  CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy] = playerid;
		format(LittleCounter, 10, "%i", ServerInfo[ServerReports]); TextDrawSetString(ReportInfo[1], LittleCounter); foreach(new i: Player) if(CosminInfo[i][Level] >= 3) TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, ReportInfo[0]), TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, ReportInfo[1]);
	    reTimer[playerid] = gettime();
    return 1;

I've readed all of that but you haven't showed me the main thing, that dialog where is list of all reports

Originally Posted by TokicMajstor
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I've readed all of that but you haven't showed me the main thing, that dialog where is list of all reports
Here is:
    eString[0] = EOS; format(eString, sizeof(eString), "%s\n%s", eString, ReportStr);
	if(CosminInfo[playerid][Level] < 3) return SendError2(playerid, "{FFFFFF}You must to be Admin Level 3 to use that command", "{FFFFFF}Trebuie sa fi Admin Level 3 pentru a utiliza comanda respectiva");
	if(!strlen(ReportStr)) return SendError2(playerid, "{FFFFFF}There are no reports", "{FFFFFF}Nu exista niciun report");
	else return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_GM, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FF0000}Active reports {FFFFFF}- Use {FFD700}/res [id] [text] {FFFFFF}to solve the report!", eString, "Close", "");

Your scripting method is very strange for me but if you understand me, on the way that you set the string to that report, do the same thing under OnPlayerDiscconect, just there set that reporting string to Null String and set ReportedBy = -1

Originally Posted by TokicMajstor
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Your scripting method is very strange for me but if you understand me, on the way that you set the string to that report, do the same thing under OnPlayerDiscconect, just there set that reporting string to Null String and set ReportedBy = -1
I will try,and my server is Stunt,not RPG,so,that is "strange" =)

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