error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)/(argument 2)

pawn Code:
(7506) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
(7506) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
(7528) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
(7528) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
Here is the functions

pawn Code:
stock SaveWeapons(playerid)
    new str[220];
(7506)    mysql_format(str, sizeof(str), "SELECT * FROM `player_weapons` WHERE `nick` = '%s'", NameL(playerid));
    mysql_query(mysqlHandle, str, true);
        mysql_format(mysqlHandle, str, sizeof(str), "INSERT INTO `player_weapons` (`nick`, `trouser_w`, `trouser_a`, `jacket_w`, `jacket_a`, `hand_w`, `hand_a`  \
        VALUES ('%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')"
, NameL(playerid),  GunInfo[playerid][gGun][0], GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][0], \
        GunInfo[playerid][gGun][1], GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][1], GetPlayerWeapon(playerid), GetPlayerAmmo(playerid));
        mysql_query(mysqlHandle, str, false);
        mysql_format(mysqlHandle, str, sizeof(str),"UPDATE `player_weapons` SET `trouser_w` = %d, `trouser_a` = '%d', `jacket_w` = %d, `jacket_a` = %d, \
        `hand_w` = %d, `hand_a` = %d WHERE `nick` = '%s'"
, GunInfo[playerid][gGun][0], GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][0], \
        GunInfo[playerid][gGun][1], GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][1], GetPlayerWeapon(playerid), GetPlayerAmmo(playerid), NameL(playerid));
        mysql_query(mysqlHandle, str, false);
    return 1;

stock LoadWeapons(playerid)
    new str[220];
(7528)    mysql_format(str, sizeof(str), "SELECT * FROM `player_weapons` WHERE `nick` = '%s'", NameL(playerid));
    mysql_query(mysqlHandle, str, true);
    if(!cache_num_rows()) return 1;
    cache_get_value_int(0, "trouser_w", GunInfo[playerid][gGun][0]);
    cache_get_value_int(0, "trouser_a", GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][0]);
    cache_get_value_int(0, "jacket_w", GunInfo[playerid][gGun][1]);
    cache_get_value_int(0, "jacket_a", GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][1]);
    new weap, ammo;
    cache_get_value_int(0, "hand_w", weap);
    cache_get_value_int(0, "hand_a", ammo);
    GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, weap, ammo);
    return 1;

Add mysqlHandle before giving the destination string, you did it correct in some lines such as the else statement.

Thanks, so this will work without any bugs?

pawn Code:
stock SaveWeapons(playerid)
    new str[128];
    mysql_format(mysqlHandle, str, sizeof(str), "SELECT * FROM `player_weapons` WHERE `nick` = '%s'", NameL(playerid));
    mysql_query(mysqlHandle, str, true);
        mysql_format(mysqlHandle, str, sizeof(str), "INSERT INTO `player_weapons` (`nick`, `trouser_w`, `trouser_a`, `jacket_w`, `jacket_a`, `hand_w`, `hand_a`  \
        VALUES ('%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')"
, NameL(playerid),  GunInfo[playerid][gGun][0], GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][0], \
        GunInfo[playerid][gGun][1], GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][1], GetPlayerWeapon(playerid), GetPlayerAmmo(playerid));
        mysql_query(mysqlHandle, str, false);
        mysql_format(mysqlHandle, str, sizeof(str),"UPDATE `player_weapons` SET `trouser_w` = %d, `trouser_a` = '%d', `jacket_w` = %d, `jacket_a` = %d, \
        `hand_w` = %d, `hand_a` = %d WHERE `nick` = '%s'"
, GunInfo[playerid][gGun][0], GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][0], \
        GunInfo[playerid][gGun][1], GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][1], GetPlayerWeapon(playerid), GetPlayerAmmo(playerid), NameL(playerid));
        mysql_query(mysqlHandle, str, false);
    return 1;

stock LoadWeapons(playerid)
    new str[128];
    mysql_format(mysqlHandle, str, sizeof(str), "SELECT * FROM `player_weapons` WHERE `nick` = '%s'", NameL(playerid));
    mysql_query(mysqlHandle, str, true);
    if(!cache_num_rows()) return 1;
    cache_get_value_int(0, "trouser_w", GunInfo[playerid][gGun][0]);
    cache_get_value_int(0, "trouser_a", GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][0]);
    cache_get_value_int(0, "jacket_w", GunInfo[playerid][gGun][1]);
    cache_get_value_int(0, "jacket_a", GunInfo[playerid][gGunAmmo][1]);
    new weap, ammo;
    cache_get_value_int(0, "hand_w", weap);
    cache_get_value_int(0, "hand_a", ammo);
    GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, weap, ammo);
    return 1;

Yes it should.

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