cars respawn

hi guyz ! so i want to some cars never respawn after they death (onvehicledeath) so if i set the respawn delay on -1 will it work how i want ? for exp i have this car :
Car[playerid] = CreateVehicle(411, x,y,z, a, -1, -1,-1);
and now , when its destroy by fire or ... it will not respawn again right !?

Obviously not according to the parameter,


respawn_delay The delay until the car is respawned without a driver in seconds. Using -1 will prevent the vehicle from respawning


so what should i do ?! if i destroy the vehicle on vehicledeath it will disapear suddenly , after getting a rocket shoot for exp [explosion] and destroy without getting fire

Well.. you can use something like OnVehicleDeath

vehicledestroyed[vehid] = 1;

and on vehiclespawn check if vehicledestroyed[vehid] == 1 then do DestroyVehicle?

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