how to teleport to madd dog's house in a virtual world

hello , im having little problem with teleports

I cant find all the houses in interiors id so ive been trying to make a pickup that teleports to madd dogs house and another pickup in different location that teleports to madd dogs house but in a different virtual world.

TO sum up, is there a way to make a teleport to madd dog house 1 wich is in default virtual world and another teleport to madd dog house 2 wich exists in a nother virtual world.

If there isnt any way to do it anyone can send me a link to all houses id because i cant find all of them in interiors id thanks

Did you mean those interiors?

didn't know what ur reffering to xD, well i didnt find some houses in interiors id in here

my point is i want a pickup that tp me to madd dog house

and another one that teleport me to madd dogs houses in a different virtual world

so the players that will go into the first madd dogs house wont meet others in the second madd dog house

Give the players who enters a house a random virtualworld with the same interior? It should look like this:

SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, random(300) + playerid);
I still don't get what you mean.

HMMM i will test what u just wrote

Lemme simplify, i created a pickup in front of madd dogs house entrance , and when i /enter it takes me to madd dogs house

and i have created another pickup infront of a house, and when i /enter i want it also to have the madd dog house interior.

Unfortunately it doesnt work because i can meet the players who have entered from the pickup in front of madd dogs house entrance.

SOrry for the trouble its just too hard to explain it xD

I don't get the point of a double (/enter) command in the same interior, but yeah the snippet I shared up should make you unable to see other players, you have 1 chance on 300 to come across another player, you can increase the number if you want.

PHP код:
#include <a_samp>
new sc;
sc CreatePickup(13182704.4722, -442.951316.3359, -1); //model, type, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Virtualworld.
return 1;
pickupid == sc)
SetPlayerPos(playerid1267.663208,-781.323242,1091.906250    ); // Cords for interior
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_RED "You have been teleport-ed");

Test this out

why dont you just use different virtual worlds like other people mentioned?

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