how can i get camera object id

new test = createobject(xxxx);
if you take photo on test sendclientmessage gg

like that: if(photo == test) scm gg

how can i do that

Camera is not an object, it is a weapon ID? So i understand you are trying to record when taking a picture.

What i would probably do is just check the keys if Aiming of the camera is pressed (RMB) and then you take a picture by pressing also (LMB), this code would probably go on callback: OnPlayerKeyStateChange (More info at ), available keys are here: .

After that i would probably do some math, with the seeing if the player is looking visually at the object. Probably can find more info here:

Sorry, but this is probably the best i can assist you and try to point you in the right direction

i want to make like this 11:54
i want to verify if you take photo on object

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