31.01.2019, 06:02
Last edited by Vizi10; 31/01/2019 at 12:04 PM.
Please unban..
Forbidden You don't have permission to access /showthread.php on this server. Apache/2.4.10 Server at forum.sa-mp.com Port 443
@OP: Ask yourself why is your country banned.
I know that is not your fault but everyone pays for all (even innocent people). I'm sure Sa-Mp staff is not crazy, nor they wake up a morning saying "We should ban X", i think it's related to recent DDOS attacks that forum had. |
@OP: Ask yourself why is your country banned.
I know that is not your fault but everyone pays for all (even innocent people). I'm sure Sa-Mp staff is not crazy, nor they wake up a morning saying "We should ban X", i think it's related to recent DDOS attacks that forum had. |
as we all know, the only solution to stop ddos attacks/deal with any issue is to block the entire country the attack/issue is coming from, you may as well unplug the server from the internet so it can never be attacked, that way you wouldn\'t have to worry about anything at all
Mr. Oh-so-clever-guy, you can freely come up with an anti-DDOS solution, no problems. In fact, EU even had 100milЂ in fundings available for someone who\'d make a software remotely capable of "digesting" DDOS attacks, guess what - no one even applied for a try.
The only way at this moment to stop/prevent/limit DDOS attacks is to have insanely huge bandwidth. Or ban countries that DDOS attacks come from. Both perfectly legal from owner\'s point of view. |
Well, it looks like they are banned via Apache, so not on the firewall of the server. That also means it won\'t block DDoS attacks, at least for the ports of http/https, any other ports can still be used for a DDoS attack...
Well, you do have a point. It is very much an Apache ban, which wouldn\'t be of any use in curbing a DDoS attack.
This would mean that probably DDoS is not the reason why these countries are blacklisted. May be Kye doesn\'t want these country users to access the forum/wiki? Only he can answer, I guess! |