Streamer problem

I have updated my script to latest streamer plugin but there is a weird problem. It loads without any error in server_log.txt but it does not upload the map entirely like some part of map is missing where as other parts are loaded properly. I use CreateDynamicObject

try make filter script contain your map

Originally Posted by GeorgeLimit
View Post
try make filter script contain your map
I use upload them using filterscript only

use like this


#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>

public OnFilterScriptInit()
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-------------------------------------------------------------|");
print(" |--- OBJEK YANG TELAH DI Taruh di OBJEK.amx SINI SUDAH SIAP---|");
print(" |-------------------------------------------------------------|");

// Loop
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
// Check if the player is connected and not a NPC
if (IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i))
// Create modular houses and island objects for the player
// (so any player currently ingame does not have to rejoin for them
// to appear when this filterscript is loaded)

// Exit here
return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
// Create modular houses and island objects for the player

// Exit here
return 1;

new tmpobjid;
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3377, -149.9141, -324.3438, 1.5781, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1278, -74.5469, -366.1641, 18.4688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1290, -68.2891, -361.6797, 10.3828, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1290, -68.2891, -344.2422, 11.3594, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 13024, -87.3047, -347.5000, 3.1719, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -67.0781, -339.8516, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 12932, -117.9609, -337.4531, 3.6172, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3378, -149.9141, -324.3438, 1.5781, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -69.8203, -326.8516, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -67.1094, -324.0859, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -67.1172, -318.4766, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -67.1250, -312.8672, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -67.1328, -307.2578, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -69.8906, -331.4609, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -67.0859, -334.2422, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, -64.0313, -298.8984, 5.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1308, -39.0547, -212.3906, 0.7031, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 13205, -85.8047, -201.5625, 8.9766, 0.25);
CreateDynamicObject(12933, -29.03125, -302.12500, 6.67188, 3.14159, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateDynamicObject(12933, -29.01285, -302.11810, 9.63177, 3.14159, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateDynamicObject(12933, -29.01285, -302.11810, 12.63213, 3.14159, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateDynamicObject(12933, -29.01285, -302.11810, 15.51403, 3.14159, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateDynamicObject(12933, -29.01285, -302.11810, 18.44500, 3.14159, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateDynamicObject(12933, -29.01285, -302.11810, 21.36720, 3.14159, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateDynamicObject(3279, 10.03647, -225.23489, 4.41549, 0.00000, 0.00000, 358.44019);
return 1;

Copied SAMP filterscript

Originally Posted by GeorgeLimit
View Post
use like this Copied SAMP filterscript

Press F5 and look at the ObjectsCreated is it 999?

If so, you use too many CreateObjects else where in the script.

You need to use ALWAYS CreateDynamicObject (except for floors).

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