16.01.2019, 17:17
My server have crashed several times. I activated crashdetect and -d3, and this is output:
And GlobalPublic() code is:
SaveStatistic() code:
Where i can "decode" this output from crashdetect?
And what can be the problem?
Variable Stats[sDonL] is currently 1410062273, but its growing all the time, can that be a problem?
My server have crashed several times. I activated crashdetect and -d3, and this is output:
[18:58:18] Server crashed while executing MODE.amx [18:58:18] AMX backtrace: [18:58:18] #0 00000032 in INI_AddToBuffer (INI:file=51, name[]=@00000000 "", data[]=@0206ec64 "0000001410112273") at <unknown file>:0 [18:58:18] #1 0001d780 in ?? (51, 0, 1410112273, 0, 34008252, 2947880, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... <3 more arguments>) at \pawno\include\YSI\y_ini.inc:1076 [18:58:18] #2 00000032 in public GlobalPublic() at <unknown file>:0 [18:58:18] Native backtrace: [18:58:18] #0 f73e18b6 in _Z13GetStackTraceRSt6vectorI10StackFrameSaIS0_EEPv () in plugins/crashdetect.so [18:58:18] #1 f73d9120 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoRKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so [18:58:18] #2 f73d9886 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so [18:58:18] #3 f73d9f96 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler7OnCrashERKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so [18:58:18] #4 f73e0f82 in ?? () in plugins/crashdetect.so [18:58:18] #5 f773cba0 in __kernel_rt_sigreturn () in linux-gate.so.1 [18:58:18] #6 2fcef283 in ?? () [18:58:18] Registers: [18:58:18] EAX: 2fcef283 EBX: f28080ca ECX: 0206ec64 EDX: f28080c6 [18:58:18] ESI: 0a9ab1d0 EDI: f3093fac EBP: f27fc008 ESP: ffa9ee70 [18:58:18] EIP: 2fcef283 EFLAGS: 00010202 [18:58:18] Stack: [18:58:18] ESP+00000000: 0a9ab1d0 00000059 ffa9eebc f5102c00 [18:58:18] ESP+00000020: 0206ec64 00000032 0206ecc8 0206accc [18:58:18] ESP+00000040: f772c000 0a9ab1d0 00000001 00000000 [18:58:18] ESP+00000060: 0a96a690 0000070a ffa9efb8 f73db41c [18:58:18] ESP+00000080: 00000000 0000070a ffa9ef18 f73277e4 [18:58:18] ESP+000000a0: 00000000 f73bfcb0 ffa9efe8 f7327c08 [18:58:18] ESP+000000c0: f7327270 ffa9ef50 00000000 112ee568 [18:58:18] ESP+000000e0: 00000000 f27fc008 00000008 0809571b [18:58:18] ESP+00000100: ffa9efc0 f2806789 ffa9efd8 0a9ab1d0 [18:58:18] ESP+00000120: 00000001 00000000 00000000 0000070a [18:58:18] ESP+00000140: 08e8c9b8 f7406630 ffa9efe8 f73df0d0 [18:58:18] ESP+00000160: 08e8fd09 00000001 003279fb f73bfcb0 [18:58:18] ESP+00000180: 0a9ab1d0 ffa9f054 0000070a ffa9f054 [18:58:18] ESP+000001a0: 00000385 f52fe008 f2806789 0b52a828 [18:58:18] ESP+000001c0: 0a9ab1d0 ffa9f054 0000070a 080c889c [18:58:18] ESP+000001e0: 08e8fd08 00000386 0000070a 08e957d8 [18:58:18] ESP+00000200: 08e8fd08 0000002d f74b12d6 3d3bedb7 [18:58:18] ESP+00000220: 08e88170 01299171 ffa9f1d8 080aa13a [18:58:18] ESP+00000240: 00000000 00000000 00000006 00000010 [18:58:18] ESP+00000260: f770aad8 f770143c f7702b58 01000000 [18:58:18] ESP+00000280: 656d6167 65646f6d f7003531 f770b414 [18:58:18] ESP+000002a0: f7709e84 f7709ef0 f7709da0 f743a243 [18:58:18] ESP+000002c0: 080aa260 00000000 00000000 00000000 [18:58:18] ESP+000002e0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [18:58:18] ESP+00000300: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [18:58:18] ESP+00000320: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [18:58:18] ESP+00000340: 00000000 00000000 00000000 f743a3fd [18:58:18] ESP+00000360: 00000000 00000000 00000000 f7422a63 [18:58:18] ESP+00000380: 00000002 ffa9f274 ffa9f214 081801f8 [18:58:18] ESP+000003a0: 00000000 c114de58 16a35a49 00000000 [18:58:18] ESP+000003c0: 00000000 f7751b70 f7422979 f775e000 [18:58:18] ESP+000003e0: 080a9420 00000002 ffa9f274 08150650 [18:58:18] Loaded modules: [18:58:18] 00000000 - 00187dc3 samp03svr [18:58:18] f773c000 - f773cd0b linux-gate.so.1 [18:58:18] f7728000 - f772a81b /lib32/libdl.so.2 [18:58:18] f770c000 - f7726d2b /lib32/libpthread.so.0 [18:58:18] f761a000 - f7713ce6 /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6 [18:58:18] f75d4000 - f7618b97 /lib32/libm.so.6 [18:58:18] f75b7000 - f75d33c4 /usr/lib32/libgcc_s.so.1 [18:58:18] f7409000 - f75be237 /lib32/libc.so.6 [18:58:18] f773d000 - f775e4a0 /lib/ld-linux.so.2 [18:58:18] f73c2000 - f74063ac plugins/crashdetect.so [18:58:18] f72fd000 - f73c1bcf plugins/streamer.so [18:58:18] f772e000 - f773509f /lib32/librt.so.1 [18:58:18] f72ed000 - f72fc40c plugins/sscanf.so [18:58:18] f6f5d000 - f72f23de plugins/mysql.so [18:58:18] f6f39000 - f6f5cd32 /home/1/plugins/../log-core.so [18:58:18] f5f20000 - f5f2b3ef /lib32/libnss_files.so.2 [18:58:18] f5ddc000 - f5dff04f plugins/SKY.so [18:58:18] f5f2f000 - f5f3397b /lib32/libnss_dns.so.2 [18:58:18] f1d39000 - f1d512fb /lib32/libresolv.so.2
public GlobalPublic() { if(PacketReceived[1] < 10) { if(PacketReceived[1]+3 > 10) PacketReceived[1] = 10; else PacketReceived[1] += 3; ChatMSG(COLOR_YELLOW, "Message..."); } if(PacketReceived[0] < 3) PacketReceived[0]++; OOCNews(COLORD_BLUE, RandomMessages[random(sizeof(RandomMessages))]); foreach(Player,i) { if(Logged[i] == 1) { if(IsAGang(i) || PInfo[i][pAdmin] == 1337) SCM(i,COLOR_YELLOW,"Message."); if(PInfo[i][pPayDay] < 6) PInfo[i][pPayDay] += 1, SavePlayerMINI(i, "PayDay", PInfo[i][pPayDay]); if(PInfo[i][pLevel] < 4) SendClientMessage(i,G_NR, TutorialMessages[random(sizeof(TutorialMessages))]); if(WantedLevel[i] > 0 && GetPlayerInterior(i) == 0) { WantedLevel[i]--; SCM(i,COLOR_YELLOW,"Message."); if(WantedLevel[i] == 0) ClearCrime(i); } } } SaveStatistic(); for(new b = 1; b < MAX_AUK; b++) { if(Auk[b][aID] > 0) { if(Auk[b][aTime] > 0) { SaveAuk(b); if(Auk[b][aType] == 1) SetVehicleToRespawn_lz(Auk[b][aID]); } } } return 1; }
SaveStatistic() { new INI:File = INI_Open("stats.ini"); INI_WriteInt(File,"Rek",Stats[sRek]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Pos",Stats[sPos]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Reg",Stats[sReg]); INI_WriteInt(File,"Ban",Stats[sBan]); INI_WriteInt(File,"DonC",Stats[sDonK]); INI_WriteInt(File,"DonL",Stats[sDonL]); INI_Close(File); return true; }
And what can be the problem?
Variable Stats[sDonL] is currently 1410062273, but its growing all the time, can that be a problem?