11.01.2019, 15:30
I have a house system problem, well, when I /createhouse in game, it creates but it's whether bugged in my script or mysql. If anybody could help me.
This is how it looks like:
After I /createhouse it saves only 1 house like that, which is bugged. And after I /createhouse again, it creates a house with the same ID[Id 6 in this case].
CMD:createhouse(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 4) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Not authorized."); new type,level,price, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z); if(sscanf(params, "iiii",type,level,price)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Usage: /createhouse [Type] [Level] [Price]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Available types: 0: Small House | 1: Medium House | 2: Big House | 3: Villa"); return 1; } SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Creating a house, please wait a second."); mysql_tquery(dbhandle, "SELECT u.Id + 1 AS FirstAvailableId FROM houses u LEFT JOIN houses u1 ON u1.Id = u.Id + 1 WHERE u1.Id IS NULL ORDER BY u.Id LIMIT 0, 1", "OnHouseFindNextAvaibleId", "iiii", playerid, type, price, level); return 1; }
forward OnHouseFindNextAvaibleId(playerid, type, price, level); public OnHouseFindNextAvaibleId(playerid, type, price, level) { new i = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "FirstAvailableId", dbhandle); /*if(i < 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "An error has occured, please try again later."); return 1; }*/ if(i >= MAX_HOUSES) { new string[100]; format(string, sizeof(string)," Max limit of houses is: %d", MAX_HOUSES); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); return 1; } new string[256]; format(string, sizeof(string), "INSERT INTO `houses` (`id`) VALUES ('%i')", i); mysql_tquery(dbhandle, string); if(type == 0) // Small house { HouseInfo[i][ExitX] = 223.0732; HouseInfo[i][ExitY] = 1288.3668; HouseInfo[i][ExitZ] = 1082.1406; HouseInfo[i][Interior] = 1; strmid(HouseInfo[i][Type],"Small House",0,strlen("Small House"),255); HouseInfo[i][InteriorType] = 1; } else if(type == 1) // Middle house { HouseInfo[i][ExitX] = 2365.2822; HouseInfo[i][ExitY] = -1134.5186; HouseInfo[i][ExitZ] = 1050.8750; HouseInfo[i][Interior] = 8; strmid(HouseInfo[i][Type],"Medium House",0,strlen("Medium House"),255); HouseInfo[i][InteriorType] = 2; } else if(type == 2) // Big house { HouseInfo[i][ExitX] = 2317.8977; HouseInfo[i][ExitY] = -1025.7722; HouseInfo[i][ExitZ] = 1050.2109; HouseInfo[i][Interior] = 9; strmid(HouseInfo[i][Type],"Big House",0,strlen("Big House"),255); HouseInfo[i][InteriorType] = 3; } else if(type == 3) // Villa { HouseInfo[i][ExitX] = 140.2605; HouseInfo[i][ExitY] = 1367.4221; HouseInfo[i][ExitZ] = 1083.8615; HouseInfo[i][Interior] = 5; strmid(HouseInfo[i][Type],"Villa",0,strlen("Villa"),255); HouseInfo[i][InteriorType] = 4; } new Float:PosX, Float:PosY, Float:PosZ; GetPlayerPos(playerid, PosX, PosY, PosZ); HouseInfo[i][Price] = price; HouseInfo[i][Level] = level; HouseInfo[i][EnterX] = PosX; HouseInfo[i][EnterY] = PosY; HouseInfo[i][EnterZ] = PosZ; HouseInfo[i][HouseFood] = 0; HouseInfo[i][CheckOwner] = 0; HouseInfo[i][Fridge] = 0; HouseInfo[i][Money] = 0; HouseInfo[i][Locked] = 1; HouseInfo[i][VirtualWorld] = i; HouseInfo[i][RingBell] = 0; HouseInfo[i][Weapon] = -1; HouseInfo[i][Ammo] = 0; HouseInfo[i][Rentable] = 0; HouseInfo[i][RentPrice] = 50; HouseInfo[i][Materials] = 0; HouseInfo[i][Drugs] = 0; HouseInfo[i][Clothes] = 0; strmid(HouseInfo[i][Owner],"Nobody",0,strlen("Nobody"),255); format(string,sizeof(string),"{50ff00}House for sale!\nHouse Type: {f2f2f2}%s\n{50ff00}Price: {f2f2f2}%d$\n{50ff00}Level: {f2f2f2}%d\n{50ff00}To buy a house, write /buyhouse.",HouseInfo[i][Type],HouseInfo[i][Price],HouseInfo[i][Level]); HouseLabel[i] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string ,0x33CCFFAA, HouseInfo[i][EnterX], HouseInfo[i][EnterY], HouseInfo[i][EnterZ], 25, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1, -1, -1, 7.0); HousePickup[i] = CreateDynamicPickup(19522, 1, HouseInfo[i][EnterX], HouseInfo[i][EnterY], HouseInfo[i][EnterZ]); SaveHouse(i); format(string, sizeof(string), "House successfully created %d!", i); //conver SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY, string); return 1; }
stock SaveHouse(id) { new HouseQuery[1024]; format(HouseQuery, sizeof(HouseQuery), "UPDATE `houses` SET `ownername`='%s',`owner`='%i',`type`='%s',`enter_x`='%f',`enter_y`='%f',`enter_z`='%f',`exit_x`='%f',`exit_y`='%f',`exit_z`='%f',`inactivity`='%i',`level`='%i', `price`='%i',`money`='%i' WHERE id = '%i'", HouseInfo[id][Owner], HouseInfo[id][CheckOwner], HouseInfo[id][Type], HouseInfo[id][EnterX], HouseInfo[id][EnterY], HouseInfo[id][EnterZ], HouseInfo[id][ExitX], HouseInfo[id][ExitY], HouseInfo[id][ExitZ], HouseInfo[id][Inactivity], HouseInfo[id][Level], HouseInfo[id][Price], HouseInfo[id][Money], id); format(HouseQuery, sizeof(HouseQuery), "UPDATE `houses` SET `int`='%i',`closed`='%i',`world`='%i',`weapon`='%i',`ammo`='%i',`rent`='%i',`rentprice`='%i',`bell`='%i',`heal`='%i',`mats`='%i',`drugs`='%i',`cloth`='%i',`inttype`='%i',`food`='%i' WHERE id = '%i'", HouseQuery, HouseInfo[id][Interior], HouseInfo[id][Locked], HouseInfo[id][VirtualWorld], HouseInfo[id][Weapon], HouseInfo[id][Ammo], HouseInfo[id][Rentable], HouseInfo[id][RentPrice], HouseInfo[id][RingBell], HouseInfo[id][Fridge], HouseInfo[id][Materials], HouseInfo[id][Drugs], HouseInfo[id][Clothes], HouseInfo[id][InteriorType], HouseInfo[id][HouseFood], id); return 1; }
This is how it looks like:
After I /createhouse it saves only 1 house like that, which is bugged. And after I /createhouse again, it creates a house with the same ID[Id 6 in this case].