Moving objects in bulk

Hi, I'm trying to do a include to move objects in bulk by grouping them into a group and moving that group. Only I have a problem with the object's Z rotation. It gets very crooked when it should move at the same speed and rotation as other objects.

yagr_MoveGroup(groupid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rZ, Float:Speed)
	if(!Iter_Contains(ValidGroups, groupid))
		return 0;

	new Float:CoordCenter[3], Float:ObjectPos[6], nmax, Float:g_sin[3], Float:g_cos[3];
	yagr_GetCenterCoords(groupid, CoordCenter[0], CoordCenter[1], CoordCenter[2]);
	for(new i; i < MAX_GROUP_OBJECTS; i ++)
		if(GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_objectid][i] != -1)
			yagr_GetObjectPos(groupid, GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_objectid][i], ObjectPos[0], ObjectPos[1], ObjectPos[2], ObjectPos[3], ObjectPos[4], ObjectPos[5]);
			GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyX][i] = X + (ObjectPos[0]-CoordCenter[0]);
			GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyY][i] = Y + (ObjectPos[1]-CoordCenter[1]);
			GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyZ][i] = Z + (ObjectPos[2]-CoordCenter[2]);

			yagr_ConverterValores(ObjectPos[3], ObjectPos[4], ObjectPos[5]-rZ, g_sin, g_cos);
			GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyRZ][i] = atan2(g_cos[0] * g_sin[2] - g_cos[2] * g_sin[0] * g_sin[1], g_cos[0] * g_cos[2] + g_sin[0] * g_sin[1] * g_sin[2]);
			nmax = i;
	for(new i; i < nmax; i ++)
		if(GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_objectid][i] != -1)
				MoveDynamicObject(GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_objectid][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyX][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyY][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyZ][i], Speed, GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_originRX][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_originRY][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyRZ][i]);
				MoveObject(GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_objectid][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyX][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyY][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyZ][i], Speed, GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_originRX][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_originRY][i], GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_obdestinyRZ][i]);
	return 1;

yagr_GetCenterCoords(groupid, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z)
	new Float:highX = -9999999.0;
	new Float:highY = -9999999.0;
	new Float:highZ = -9999999.0;

	new Float:lowX  = 9999999.0;
	new Float:lowY  = 9999999.0;
	new Float:lowZ  = 9999999.0;

	new count, Float:oX, Float:oY, Float:oZ, Float:null;

	for(new i; i < MAX_GROUP_OBJECTS; i ++)
		if(GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_objectid][i] != -1)
			yagr_GetObjectPos(groupid, GroupInfo[groupid][yagr_objectid][i], oX, oY, oZ, null, null, null);
			if(oX > highX) highX = oX;
			if(oY > highY) highY = oY;
			if(oZ > highZ) highZ = oZ;
			if(oX < lowX) lowX = oX;
			if(oY < lowY) lowY = oY;
			if(oZ < lowZ) lowZ = oZ;

	if(count < 1) return 0;

	X = (highX + lowX) / 2;
	Y = (highY + lowY) / 2;
	Z = (highZ + lowZ) / 2;
	return 1;
yagr_ConverterValores(Float:rot_x, Float:rot_y, Float:rot_z, Float:sin[3], Float:cos[3])
    sin[0] = floatsin(rot_x, degrees);
    sin[1] = floatsin(rot_y, degrees);
    sin[2] = floatsin(rot_z, degrees);
    cos[0] = floatcos(rot_x, degrees);
    cos[1] = floatcos(rot_y, degrees);
    cos[2] = floatcos(rot_z, degrees);
    return 1;

It's not possible to include rotation when you only try to make it with one movement, as the objects need to rotate around a pivot to stay "in sync" with each other.

You can use YSF to attach all objects to a pivot object, move + rotate the pivot object and after that deattach them again (you can calculate the final positions including rotations).

Except you don't want them to stay together while moving, then you'd only need to calculate the final positions using a pivot and move all objects there in a straight line.

Originally Posted by NaS
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It's not possible to include rotation when you only try to make it with one movement, as the objects need to rotate around a pivot to stay "in sync" with each other.

You can use YSF to attach all objects to a pivot object, move + rotate the pivot object and after that deattach them again (you can calculate the final positions including rotations).

Except you don't want them to stay together while moving, then you'd only need to calculate the final positions using a pivot and move all objects there in a straight line.
yagr_GetCenterCoords(groupid, CoordCenter[0], CoordCenter[1], CoordCenter[2]);
But in this function it takes the pivot that the objects revolve around him.

There is no need for such an include, just attach all your objects to your "main" object and move that one

Anyway regarding your problem, your rotation is missing the translation part, see this image

So if your object isn't the "pivot point" you need to adjust the position correctly

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