Need Help Here +rep

hi . so i have this code :
if(newkeys == KEY_CTRL_BACK || newkeys == KEY_LOOK_BEHIND)
		for(new i = 0; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++)
				new pname[24];
						if(House[i][Owned] == 1 && HouseID[playerid] == i)
								new string[128];

								if(House[i][doorlock] == 0)
								format(string,sizeof(string),"Enter\nLock Doors");
								else if(House[i][doorlock] == 1)
								format(string,sizeof(string),"Enter\nOpen Doors");
								ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,Dialog_House,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"House Config Menu",string,"Enter","Cancel");
it will always show the enter\n"LOCK Doors" menu ! 'but' it will work fine on houses that have 0 ID (i mean when the i = 0 it will work how i want ! and when the doorlock == 0 it will show LockDoors and when doorlock == 1 will show open doors option!) whats the problem with this guys ? can you help me?

sorry for my bad english

Probably something to do with your HouseID variable, possible that it's value is 0 and that's why you're having this issue.

#define MAX_HOUSES 1000

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