Pet system help

hi guys. I want to update a pet system. I want to make it on mysql beacuse it has just one parrot and i want to put a dialog to select your pet type to select from a shark, a cow and the parrot. here is what i did but its not working. can u make it for me? and what i need to add in the datebase at users?

1. you can't format the same string twice in the same case.
PHP код:
Pet[playerid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(stringCOLOR_WHITE357.1202391.712298349.23251320playerid); 

we're not going to make a script for you. you shouldn't take on full gm's without knowing some certain stuff about pawn.

Learn PAWN from the tutorials on the forums. Dialogs, MYSQL, Variables etc... and create your own.

PS Shark as pet?

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