27.10.2018, 15:24
How to send to the admin , You teleported to X with succes , when is use /goto X.
PHP код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >=1 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
new ID;
new Float:X;
new Float:Y;
new Float:Z;
new Float:A;
if(sscanf(params,"i", ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{40FF00}INFO:{FFFFFF}Foloseste /goto [Name/id]");
GetPlayerPos(ID, X,Y,Z);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(ID, A);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, X,Y,Z);
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, A);
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You do not have permission to use this command!");