Subtraction does not work?


I'm using MapAndreas for a drop-object system.
If you are in an interior, MapAndreas will find the Z coord for the ground under the interior, so I made a function.
pawn Код:
forward Float:MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z);
public Float:MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
    new Float:zi;
    if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) > 0)
        zi = Z-1.011;
    else if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) == 0)
        zi = MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord(X, Y, Z);
    return zi;

//Tried with return Float:zi; same
But when the interior is superior to 1, the objects creates at the X, Y, Z coord without making the 1.011 subtraction for touching the ground.
What is wrong in here?
Thanks in advance

forward Float:MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z);
public Float:MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
    if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) > 0)
        return Z - 1.011;
    else if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) == 0)
        return MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord(X, Y, Z);
    return false;
Give this a go. If there was an error found then it'll return false, or 0. Else, it should return the values you need. Suggestion - you probably don't want this as a function with a keyword.

Originally Posted by Infin1ty
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forward Float:MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z);
public Float:MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
    if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) > 0)
        return Z - 1.011;
    else if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) == 0)
        return MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord(X, Y, Z);
    return false;
Give this a go. If there was an error found then it'll return false, or 0. Else, it should return the values you need. Suggestion - you probably don't want this as a function with a keyword.
Same, if interior is not 0 it spawns at normal Z.
Bug in SA:MP?

Yes it works only in interior 0
Originally Posted by Kalcor
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- This works only in interior 0 (main SA world) and cannot handle areas with custom objects.

Originally Posted by ReD_HunTeR
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Yes it works only in interior 0
I know, just look at my script, it bypass mapandreas while in interiors!

I made a mistake, you can't actually subtract 1.011 from Z with the method I gave. You also can't return false as you're working with interiors. You'll have to use floatsub.

Example usage:
    if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) > 0)
        return floatsub(Z, 1.011);
This is just for future reference when subtracting floats!

Originally Posted by Infin1ty
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I made a mistake, you can't actually subtract 1.011 from Z with the method I gave. You also can't return false as you're working with interiors. You'll have to use floatsub.

Example usage:
    if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) > 0)
        return floatsub(Z, 1.011);
This is just for future reference when subtracting floats!
Never known about this function!
Thanks a lot

No effect, the same.

Originally Posted by ******
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`-` IS that function, it's just an alternate name. There's no reason at all to prefer `floatsub` over `-`.
Yeah, it gives the same problem.

Any solutions or it's officially a bug?

That function uses MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord wrongly.

The Z coord in the MapAndreas function is passed by reference, not return value!
MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord does not even consider the value passed to Z, because it is not relevant.

native MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord(Float:X, Float:Y, &Float:Z);
Your function will not even return the correct Z in interior 0, it will return the return value of MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord which is NOT the Z coord (it probably returns 0/1 for success/failure). It should even give you a tag mismatch warning since MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord returns an integer value.

forward Float:MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z);
public Float:MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
    new Float:zi;
    if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid) > 0)
        zi = Z-1.011;
        MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord(X, Y, zi); // The height will get passed to "zi".
    return zi;
If this doesn't work for you, you either pass the wrong playerid or something else is wrong with your code.
If you replaced MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord with MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoordEx you also need to get Z from the return value, as opposed to getting it from the referenced parameter.

Originally Posted by ******
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No, there is no problem with subtraction. I suspect the problem is somewhere else in your code, such as retrieving the position or interior, or how you call this function.
You were right (as always)
It was just a misunderstunding in my /drop command.

Thank you all for the support!

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