How to put skin mod into ShowModelSelectionMenu

I want to make skin tables that I mod in samp 0.3DL into textdraw display that skin. I tried but did not show anyone can help me

Show us the code that contains: ShowModelSelectionMenu

Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa
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Show us the code that contains: ShowModelSelectionMenu
stock ShowModelSelectionMenu(playerid, ListID, header_text[], dialogBGcolor = 0xFF9900AA, previewBGcolor = 0x7FFF00AA , tdSelectionColor = 0xAA3333AA)
	if(!(0 <= ListID < mS_TOTAL_LISTS && gLists[ListID][mS_LIST_START] != gLists[ListID][mS_LIST_END])) return 0;
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page", 0);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_id", ListID);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_active", 1);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_time", GetTickCount());

    gBackgroundTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerBGTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_BASE_X, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y + 20.0, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH, mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT, dialogBGcolor);
    gHeaderTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerHeaderTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_BASE_X, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y, header_text);
    gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreateCurrentPageTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 30.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y + 15.0);
    gNextButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 30.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_NEXT_TEXT);
    gPrevButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 90.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_PREV_TEXT);
    gCancelButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 150.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_CANCEL_TEXT);

	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_previewBGcolor", previewBGcolor);

	SelectTextDraw(playerid, tdSelectionColor);
	return 1;

Find the correct ids from 0 - 299 if it exists and raise up the skin ids to 0 - 25000(to your skin ids bellow).

I remember i tested the custom skins in South Central Roleplay (gamemode) as it uses textdraws just like yours for character customization and it worked perfect without bugs at all.

Originally Posted by skiplovebra
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I want to make skin tables that I mod in samp 0.3DL into textdraw display that skin. I tried but did not show anyone can help me
You did it? I can not do it

Inside your code find the "Mua quan ao" skin selection and find the 0 - 299 skin ids then increase it to 25000+ desired skins from 0.3-DL models. There was a skin selection (rClass) filterscript created by RogueDrift but unfortunately it was deleted so i can give you an example.

Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa
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Inside your code find the "Mua quan ao" skin selection and find the 0 - 299 skin ids then increase it to 25000+ desired skins from 0.3-DL models. There was a skin selection (rClass) filterscript created by RogueDrift but unfortunately it was deleted so i can give you an example.
bro i can't find this.

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