30.09.2018, 07:05
Hello, i have problem with saving gettime function to INI_WriteInt or INI_WriteString.
When i use INI_WriteInt it saves strictly "0" to the file...
When i use INI_WriteString it saves some random character (example: L or Й)
I searched about this problem and i found this thread:
But this did not help me at all...
If anybody can tell what should i change in y_ini or what to do i be happy.
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I have another questions about gettime()
When i store gettime to my ini file, so i can set EXPIRE time on something:
How can i check when it's actually expired?
How the file know that there is 0 instead of 7 * 86400; (7 days expire) after 7 days?
How can i sendclientmessage when it's expired and also send it if player get connected after expire?
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Thank you so much for any idea!
When i use INI_WriteInt it saves strictly "0" to the file...
//Somewhere in my code SomeInfo[1][SomeInfoExpire] = gettime + 7 * 86400; // 7 days expire //Under my saving function INI_WriteInt("SomeInfoExpire", SomeInfoExpire]);
//Somewhere in my code SomeInfo[1][SomeInfoExpire] = gettime + 7 * 86400; //Under my saving function INI_WriteString("SomeInfo", SomeInfoExpire]);
But this did not help me at all...
If anybody can tell what should i change in y_ini or what to do i be happy.
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I have another questions about gettime()
When i store gettime to my ini file, so i can set EXPIRE time on something:
How can i check when it's actually expired?
How the file know that there is 0 instead of 7 * 86400; (7 days expire) after 7 days?
How can i sendclientmessage when it's expired and also send it if player get connected after expire?
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Thank you so much for any idea!