Firefighter Job

Hello there,

I made a firefighter job and I got stuck at this point. Like every job, I have multiple vehicles of the same ID, and I made a job that when a player enters the vehicle and he starts the job mission, that gives me variable in which vehicle he entered because there are 6 of them. I need this cause when a player comes at the checkpoint he needs to exit the vehicle and set up barricades, so I wanted to make a function where when he set up all barricades server put him in vehicle, but when he exit vehicle I lost variable...


i would go with building good vehicle framwork what would make your future development much easier.

Already thought about that but in my head, it looks easy, but on a blank page, not that much...

Are you vehicles dynamically entered within the server or are they defined within the script like RentalCar[0] = AddStaticVehicle?

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