Everyone in server crashes after some time.

I got a big problem with my server, it always worked well, but now it doesn't.
Everytime the people who are in my server crash all together after some time playing.
If i reset the server after that, they can play for like 3 min again, and then they all crash again.
So it's not a problem with their computer/internet whatever, because they all crash together.
And btw, i'm not over my limits for objects/vehicles/skins etc.

Hope you guys can help me, because i worked hard on this server and script.
Sorry for my bad English maybe.

could be a bug with the script maybe the character section? try removing any anims the skins do on it. and see if that works.

Nah i don't have any anims at playerclass.

hmm... thats weird, should watch the server log and once it crashes can see whats happening maybe with chat. but there's lots of things that could be doing the crashing best thing i say you do is remember what you did to the script the day it started happening. and go check out those things.

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