Prevent AFK Player Damage

Hi , How Can i prevent afk player damage ? i mean for exp when id 1 is on ESC [afk] another player can give him damage and when the id 1 get back he will die ! i dont want when players are AFK anyone can kill them

What? Wasn't the opposite? As I remember afk'ed players don't take damage.

Originally Posted by PoniStar
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Hi , How Can i prevent afk player damage ? i mean for exp when id 1 is on ESC [afk] another player can give him damage and when the id 1 get back he will die ! i dont want when players are AFK anyone can kill them
Originally Posted by KinderClans
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What? Wasn't the opposite? As I remember afk'ed players don't take damage.
On some servers, example for survival ones if a player used ESC key to exit to the main menu rather than /afk and another player shot them if that player comes back he'll get the damage. He don't want that to happen...

Anyways, I suggest just use or make an /afk command using SetPlayerVirtualWorld then freeze them, and if they uses /back just unfreeze and set bis virtual world back to the original world.

Use Emmet's include "" that contains the function 'IsPlayerPaused', you can use it under onplayertakedamage to prevent the damage.

That's obviously easy solution but there are a lot of others as well.

can you say what exacly i should write under onplayertakedamage ?

#if defined _OnPlayerPause_included
#define _OnPlayerPause_included

#include <a_samp>

#define MinTimeWithoutUpdates 6 // Time in seconds after which a player will be considered as paused.
//#define PRINTPAUSE // Define this if you want this script to print messages on your server console. This
//  is useful for example for admin filterscripts.

new stock TimeOfLastUpdate[MAX_PLAYERS];
new stock bool:Paused[MAX_PLAYERS];
new stock bool:InClassSelection[MAX_PLAYERS];

new afktime[MAX_PLAYERS];
//new Text3D:afklabel[MAX_PLAYERS];
stock IsPlayerPaused(playerid)
    if(Paused[playerid] == true)
        return 1;
    return 0;

stock IsPlayerInClassSelection(playerid)
    if(InClassSelection[playerid] == true)
        return 1;
    return 0;

#define MinTimeWithoutUpdates2 (MinTimeWithoutUpdates * 1000)

forward SearchForNewlyPausedPlayers();
public SearchForNewlyPausedPlayers()
    new CurrentTime, PlayerState;
    CurrentTime = GetTickCount();
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
        if(Paused[i] == false)
        // If the player is already paused, there's no point in calling OnPlayerPause again.
            if(InClassSelection[i] == false)
            // When a player enters the class selection screen, he stops sending updates just
            //  like when he pauses, so we need to know if he's selecting class.
                    if( (CurrentTime - TimeOfLastUpdate[i]) >= MinTimeWithoutUpdates2 )
                        PlayerState = GetPlayerState(i);
                        if( (PlayerState == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) || (PlayerState == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) || (PlayerState == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER) )
    return 1;

forward OnPlayerPause(playerid);
forward OnPlayerUnpause(playerid);

static gOnPlPa_HasCB[7];

public OnGameModeInit()
    SetTimer("SearchForNewlyPausedPlayers", 500, true);

    gOnPlPa_HasCB[0] = funcidx("OnPlPa_OnPlayerConnect") != -1;
    gOnPlPa_HasCB[1] = funcidx("OnPlPa_OnPlayerDisconnect") != -1;
    gOnPlPa_HasCB[2] = funcidx("OnPlPa_OnPlayerRequestClass") != -1;
    gOnPlPa_HasCB[3] = funcidx("OnPlPa_OnPlayerSpawn") != -1;
    gOnPlPa_HasCB[4] = funcidx("OnPlPa_OnPlayerUpdate") != -1;
    gOnPlPa_HasCB[5] = funcidx("OnPlPa_OnPlayerPause") != -1;
    gOnPlPa_HasCB[6] = funcidx("OnPlPa_OnPlayerUnpause") != -1;
    if (funcidx("OnPlPa_OnGameModeInit") != -1)
        return CallLocalFunction("OnPlPa_OnGameModeInit", "");

    return 1;

#if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
    #undef OnGameModeInit
    #define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
#define OnGameModeInit OnPlPa_OnGameModeInit
forward OnPlPa_OnGameModeInit();

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    Paused[playerid] = false;
    InClassSelection[playerid] = false;

    if (gOnPlPa_HasCB[0])
        return CallLocalFunction("OnPlPa_OnPlayerConnect", "i",playerid);
    return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
    #undef OnPlayerConnect
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#define OnPlayerConnect OnPlPa_OnPlayerConnect
forward OnPlPa_OnPlayerConnect(playerid);

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,  reason)
    Paused[playerid] = false;
    InClassSelection[playerid] = false;

    if (gOnPlPa_HasCB[1])
        return CallLocalFunction("OnPlPa_OnPlayerDisconnect", "ii",playerid,  reason);
    return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
    #undef OnPlayerDisconnect
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
#define OnPlayerDisconnect OnPlPa_OnPlayerDisconnect
forward OnPlPa_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,  reason);

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid,  classid)
    #if defined PRINTPAUSE
        if(InClassSelection[playerid] == false)
            new NickName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 1];
            GetPlayerName( playerid, NickName, sizeof(NickName) );
            printf("[class] %s (id: %i) has entered class selection screen", NickName, playerid);
    InClassSelection[playerid] = true;

    if (gOnPlPa_HasCB[2])
        return CallLocalFunction("OnPlPa_OnPlayerRequestClass", "ii",playerid,  classid);
    return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerRequestClass
    #undef OnPlayerRequestClass
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerRequestClass
#define OnPlayerRequestClass OnPlPa_OnPlayerRequestClass
forward OnPlPa_OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid,  classid);

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    InClassSelection[playerid] = false;
    #if defined PRINTPAUSE
        new NickName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 1];
        GetPlayerName( playerid, NickName, sizeof(NickName) );
        printf("[spawn] %s (id: %i) has spawned", NickName, playerid);

    if (gOnPlPa_HasCB[3])
        return CallLocalFunction("OnPlPa_OnPlayerSpawn", "i",playerid);
    return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
    #undef OnPlayerSpawn
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#define OnPlayerSpawn OnPlPa_OnPlayerSpawn
forward OnPlPa_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid);

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    TimeOfLastUpdate[playerid] = GetTickCount();
    if(Paused[playerid] == true)
    // If the player was paused and now he sends an update, it's because he has just resumed his game.

    if (gOnPlPa_HasCB[4])
        return CallLocalFunction("OnPlPa_OnPlayerUpdate", "i",playerid);
    return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
    #undef OnPlayerUpdate
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
#define OnPlayerUpdate OnPlPa_OnPlayerUpdate
forward OnPlPa_OnPlayerUpdate(playerid);

public OnPlayerPause(playerid)
    Paused[playerid] = true;
    #if defined PRINTPAUSE
        new NickName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 1];
        GetPlayerName( playerid, NickName, sizeof(NickName) );
        printf("[pause] %s (id: %i) has paused", NickName, playerid);

    if (gOnPlPa_HasCB[5])
        return CallLocalFunction("OnPlPa_OnPlayerPause", "i",playerid);
    return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerPause
    #undef OnPlayerPause
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerPause
#define OnPlayerPause OnPlPa_OnPlayerPause
forward OnPlPa_OnPlayerPause(playerid);

public OnPlayerUnpause(playerid)
   // Delete3DTextLabel(afklabel[playerid]);
	afktime[playerid] = 0;
    Paused[playerid] = false;
    #if defined PRINTPAUSE
        new NickName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 1];
        GetPlayerName( playerid, NickName, sizeof(NickName) );
        printf("[resume] %s (id: %i) has returned from pausing", NickName, playerid);

    if (gOnPlPa_HasCB[6])
        return CallLocalFunction("OnPlPa_OnPlayerUnpause", "i",playerid);
    return 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerUnpause
    #undef OnPlayerUnpause
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerUnpause

Bolex Not Worked , iLearner can U say what exacly i sould write under onplayertakedamge?

Originally Posted by Emmet_

1- There’s no need AT ALL for a whole include that big for a single function that can be done in literally 7 lines for ex:

static PlayerTick[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    PlayerTick[playerid] = GetTickCount();
    return 1;
bool:IsPlayerPaused(playerid) return ( GetTickCount() > (PlayerTick[playerid]+1500) );//Player stats didn't update for more than a second and a half.
2- Freezing the player stops any damage, freeze the player once he pauses, unfreeze once he resuems? if you find this an ordeal you can use this include i made to freeze and unfreeze when player pauses or goes afk.

Details about the include i made:

bool:IsPlayerPaused(playerid); //If the player pressed the Esc button
bool:IsPlayerAFK(playerid); //If the player isn't moving

public OnPlayerPause(playerid) //Once a player presses the Esc button
public OnPlayerResume(playerid) //Once a player returns from pausing

public OnPlayerAFK(playerid) //Once a player stops moving for about 55-65 seconds
public OnPlayerReturn(playerid) //Once a player starts moving again
It's an include so yeah just include it in your script using:
#include <rAfk_Checker>

For freezing players go to:

So how you would go around doing this is simply include my file and do something like this for afk players:
public OnPlayerAFK(playerid)
    TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
    return 1;

public OnPlayerReturn(playerid)
    TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
    return 1;
And change it to the pause/resume callbacks if u wanna do it when they pause as well.

Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
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Can you please explain the utility of:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerAFK(playerid) //Once a player stops moving for about 55-65 seconds
public OnPlayerReturn(playerid) //Once a player starts moving again
If you made already OnPlayerPause/OnPlayerResume.

Imho this are useless callbacks since they lead to confuse the user.

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