Originally Posted by Verc
We all have to start somewhere. You were too,I remember when you had a fight with Xeon because of your shitty release.
Blow me, it worked then and it works now, there's a difference between uploading a release that can be improved but works correctly and uploading one that will fuck your script up and not even work.
Originally Posted by lautaro97
Nobody forced you now or in the past to download any type of file. That only happens when people download something and believe that it will magically work perfectly and adapt to their gamemode. So don't blame begginers for your own mistakes.
It is his mistake, he didn't warn about it being in beta or him being a beginner, fuck are people supposed to know? stop trying to be a white knight online instead of typing a creative or topic-related comment, this isn't whiteknights.com it's a developing forum.
You people really need to stop being 10-year-olds and start posting useful/related things, basically, i'm the only one who helped this guy improve so far so get outta here with your white-knight drama shit.
Originally Posted by Kristall
Sorry for the mistake, in the future i’ll try to do my best. Im newbie on scripting and i am here to learn from my mistake.
Either warn about it or put any text, you got your first mistake pointed out, i cba to view all of it, return 0; at the end of OnDialogResponse to avoid it messing up other people's dialogs if they use it as an FS. Good luck.