Login Issue

Ok so recently I've had login issues with any script I've tried. When I left here 3+ years ago, they were running fine. Usually when I've left and come back, scripts worked exactly the way I left them. So I have no idea just why it's doing this now. The issue is this: When I load up my scripts, everything loads fine. If I'm using the database files with all the info in it, I can login fine. However, whenever I try to use one of the fresh database copies, it closes the connection whenever I try to register. Even does it for the .ini ones as well. What's up with SA:MP that it just doesn't work? Or is there something I'm completely missing? I've set these up the same way I always have and they've always worked fine before. I don't know what's wrong now

Show the server log

That's another issue too. The server boots up fine according to the log. But the account creation doesn't wanna work anymore. It was working fine back in 2015 before I left, so I don't know just why it's not working anymore

This ones the MySQL log, as you can see everything loads fine.
[Fri Jun 22 12:24:02 2018] -------------------------
[Fri Jun 22 12:24:02 2018]      Logging Started
[Fri Jun 22 12:24:02 2018] -------------------------
[Fri Jun 22 12:24:02 2018] Connected (0) to JayDixon @ localhost via TCP/IP.
[Fri Jun 22 12:24:02 2018] MySQL Server Version 5.7.21.
[Fri Jun 22 12:24:50 2018] MySQL closed. Logging ended.
[Fri Jun 22 12:24:50 2018] -------------------------
[Fri Jun 22 12:24:50 2018]       Logging Ended
Now, here's the server log, which everything seems to load fine as well.
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[12:24:01] Server Plugins
[12:24:01] --------------
[12:24:01]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:24:02]   Loaded.
[12:24:02]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[12:24:02]  ===============================

[12:24:02]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[12:24:02]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[12:24:02]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[12:24:02]  ===============================

[12:24:02]   Loaded.
[12:24:02]  Loading plugin: mysql.dll
[12:24:02]  SA:MP MySQL Plugin v2.1.1 Loaded.
[12:24:02]   Loaded.
[12:24:02]  Loading plugin: audio.dll
[12:24:02] [MySQL] Thread running. Threadsafe: Yes.

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:24:02]   Loaded.
[12:24:02]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[12:24:02] Filterscripts
[12:24:02] ---------------
[12:24:02]   Loading filterscript 'animations.amx'...
[12:24:02]   Loading filterscript 'Anti-CBug.amx'...
[12:24:02]   Loading filterscript 'JayMapping.amx'...
[12:24:02]  Mapping by Germanator, Jesse Prizer, Nick Perry, Jay Dixon, Ryder Dixon

[12:24:02] Mapping Filterscript by Jay

[12:24:02] --------------------------------------

[12:24:02]   Loading filterscript 'seatbelt.amx'...
[12:24:02] Seatbelts Loaded
[12:24:02]   Loading filterscript 'WalkStyle.amx'...
[12:24:02] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[12:24:02]  |.:[- seif_walk - walk styles by Seif -]:.|
[12:24:02] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[12:24:02]   Loaded 5 filterscripts.

[12:24:02] MYSQL: Attempting to connect to server...
[12:24:02] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 25565
[12:24:02] [MySQL] Connected (0) to 'JayDixon'@'localhost via TCP/IP'.
[12:24:02] [MySQL] Server Version 5.7.21.
[12:24:02] MYSQL: Database connection established.
[12:24:02] Boxer loaded!
[12:24:02] Points loaded!
[12:24:02] Turfs loaded!
[12:24:02] Stuff Loaded!
[12:24:02] Businesses loaded!
[12:24:02] IRC Loaded!
[12:24:02] Papers loaded!
[12:24:03] Houses loaded!
[12:24:03] Plants Loaded!
[12:24:03] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap()
[12:24:03] Loaded 14 vehicles from: vehicles/Custom_Vehicles.txt
[12:24:03] ---Families Initialized!---
[12:24:03] Total of  1465  Objects
[12:24:03] Sub-Total of  14  File Vehicles
[12:24:03] Total of  267  Vehicles
[12:24:03] Total of 45 MapIcons
[12:24:03] Total of 1918 Pickups
[12:24:03] Total of 1850 3D Texts
[12:24:03] _____________________
[12:24:03] Envision Roleplay
[12:24:03] SA-MP 0.3 Gamemode
[12:24:03] Version 1.2.4(2011)
[12:24:03] Envision by Jay
[12:24:03] _____________________
[12:24:03] Number of vehicle models: 77

Is mysql db setup correctly?

Yup, I'm using the same MySQL that I've always used with the script, never had the problem before. At first I thought I didn't set up the Phpmyadmin correctly, so I checked all that, verified I did. Then I got curious, tried a few .ini scripts I know always worked for me. I got the same exact results that I did with the MySQL one, the server closed connection when trying to make an account. Even downloaded a couple scripts off the forums here to see if I'd have any luck, same issue. I don't know what's up.

You should actually hit up the release thread of what you are using. What is this mode that you've used?

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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You should actually hit up the release thread of what you are using. What is this mode that you've used?
My own, except for the ones that I downloaded to see if I have the same problem. However I managed to fix it. Kind of forgot to check back on this post to mention that a couple days ago xD

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