22.05.2018, 22:10
Последний раз редактировалось Nickk888; 24.05.2018 в 15:26.
About Me:
Hello dear SA-MP community
About Include:
NDRIFT is a Include that basically calculates if someone is drifting and calls a Callback with the calculated Score.
This Include was a drifting Filterscript which author was Luby,
i've modified and optimized the code and Converted it to an Include.
You can Enable or Disable the Counter globally or Per-Player, check if someone is drifting and check if someone damaged the vehicle while drifting, all within 1 callback!
- Easy to use!
- Easy to activate!
- Self hooking include, just include it!
- Everything is done within the main Callback, drift start, drift end and scoring!
- Easy to Set-Up!
- Bug Free Calculation and callback calling!
- Fast Tick Rate
CreateDriftCounter(tickrate, minspeed, Float:minangle, Float:maxangle); - Starts the drift calculation with given parameters. DestroyDriftCounter(); - Stops/Destroys the drift calculation. FinishDriftingPlayer(playerid, bool:callfinish); - Force Finish Player Drifting IsPlayerDrifting(playerid); - Check if Player is drifting. TogglePlayerDriftCounter(playerid, bool:activated); - Toggle drifting Calculation for the Player.
OnPlayerDrifting(playerid, vehicleid, score, driftstate); - Is calling when player is drifting.
DRIFT_DEFAULT_COUNTER_TICKRATE - Calculation Tick rate. DRIFT_DEFAULT_FINISH_TICKRATE - Default tickrate to stop the drift counter if player is not drifting. DRIFT_DEFAULT_MIN_ANGLE - Minimum angle for the drift calculation. DRIFT_DEFAULT_MAX_ANGLE - Maximum angle for the drift calculation. DRIFT_DEFAULT_MIN_SPEED - The minimum speed required to take drift score.
DRIFT_STATE_DRIFTING - Player is still drifting(Drift Update) DRIFT_STATE_START - Player started drifting. DRIFT_STATE_FINISH - Player finished the drift(Not drifting for about 3 seconds) DRIFT_STATE_VEHICLEDAMAGED - Player damaged the vehicle.
Just open the example script within the package!
#include <a_samp> #include <ndrift> new DriftScore[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Players score Pool, here we store the drift reward. new PlayerText:td[MAX_PLAYERS]; //TextDraw variable. public OnFilterScriptInit() { CreateDriftCounter(); //Activated the whole system return 1; } hook OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { //Counter TextDraw td[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid,98.000000, 360.000000, "~b~DRIFT~n~~y~SCORE: ~w~+13~n~~r~TOTAL: ~g~4587"); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid,td[playerid], 255); PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid,td[playerid], 2); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid,td[playerid], 0.420000, 1.900000); PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid,td[playerid], -1); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid,td[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid,td[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid,td[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid,td[playerid], 50); PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid,td[playerid], 275.000000, 0.000000); PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid,td[playerid], 0); return 1; } hook OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid) { PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, td[playerid]); //Destroys the Counter TextDraw return 1; } public OnPlayerDrifting(playerid, vehicleid, score, driftstate) { score *= 10; //Score multiplier, the higher the value is, the more score the player gets! new string[128]; switch(driftstate) { case DRIFT_STATE_VEHICLEDAMAGED: //Has the vehicle taking damage while drifting? { FinishDriftingPlayer(playerid, false); //Forces the player counter to stop. GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "Vehicle damaged...~n~~r~DRIFT FAILED!", 2000, 1); //Show a text on the player's screen. PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, td[playerid]); //Hides the counter TD DriftScore[playerid] = 0; //Resets the score counter. } case DRIFT_STATE_FINISH: //If the drift has been finished { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, DriftScore[playerid]); //Gives the player the score reward. PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, td[playerid]); //Hides the counter TD format(string, sizeof string, "~g~+$%i", DriftScore[playerid]); //Formats the string GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 2000, 1); //Show a text on the player's screen. DriftScore[playerid] = 0; //Resets the score counter. } case DRIFT_STATE_DRIFTING, DRIFT_STATE_START: //Is player drifting(Main drift Update) { DriftScore[playerid] += score; //Adds the score to the reward pool. format(string, sizeof string, "~b~DRIFT~n~~y~SCORE: ~w~+%i~n~~r~TOTAL: ~g~%i", score, DriftScore[playerid]); //Formats the string PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, td[playerid], string); //Formats the string PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, td[playerid]); //Updates the counter TD. } } return 1; }
Version 1.0:
- First Release
a_samp: SAMP Team
Y_Hooks: ******
Luby for the filterscript i could edit.