Tocar playlist .m3u8 com PlayAudioStreamForPlayer

Estou tentando tocar uma playlist do tipo m3u8, mas nгo estou tendo sucesso. Alguйm conhece alguma forma que talvez possa tornar isso possнvel?

Ainda nгo procurei por um plugin, vim ver se alguйm aqui jб passou pelo mesmo problema e pode passar a soluзгo, mas estou indo lб na categoria de plugins do forum pra ver se encontro algo. Qualquer coisa, posto aqui...


Originally Posted by Wiki SA-MP; PlayAudioStreamForPlayer
Valid formats are mp3 and ogg/vorbis. A link to a .pls (playlist) file will play that playlist.
.m3u8 nгo й suportado.

(playerid, url[], Float:posX = 0.0, Float:posY = 0.0, Float:posZ = 0.0, Float:distance = 50.0, usepos = 0)
playerid	The ID of the player to play the audio for.
url[]	The url to play. Valid formats are mp3 and ogg/vorbis. A link to a .pls (playlist) file will play that playlist.
Float:PosX	The X position at which to play the audio. Default 0.0. Has no effect unless usepos is set to 1.
Float:PosY	The Y position at which to play the audio. Default 0.0. Has no effect unless usepos is set to 1.
Float:PosZ	The Z position at which to play the audio. Default 0.0. Has no effect unless usepos is set to 1.
Float:distance	The distance over which the audio will be heard. Has no effect unless usepos is set to 1.
usepos	Use the positions and distance specified. Default disabled (0).
Ou seja, o formato da url deve ser .mp3 OU .pls, outros formatos nгo sгo suportados.
Tente usar um conversor de arquivos para converter .m3u8 para .pls (Nгo sei se й possнvel)

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