[Include] [INC] Weapon Synchronizer v0.0

Weapon Synchronizer include v0.0 by vovo4ka

file VWSi.inc

I write the new role play gamemode and I had a problem with my ammo system.
It's needs to save ammo correctly. Ammo anti-cheating system needs too. But GetPlayerWeaponData, GetPlayerAmmo is bugged, it sometimes returns an incorrect ammo amount.
I researched(5 days left ) this bug and have written include, helping as much as possible precisely to define correct ammo info.
It works very precisely. Maximum difference in one weapon slot - 5 bullets which I saw and it's perfectly for saving ammo info and weapon anti-cheat.

For usage it's necessary to replace standard functions on these:
  • ResetPlayerWeaponsEx(playerid)
  • GetPlayerWeaponEx(playerid)
  • GetPlayerAmmoEx(playerid)
  • GetPlayerWeaponDataEx(playerid, slot, &weapons, &ammo)
  • GivePlayerWeaponEx(playerid, weaponid, ammount)
additional function: GivePlayerWeaponInt(playerid, weaponid, ammount)
And add some function call's in OnGameModeInit, OnPlayerUpdate, OnGameModeExit, OnPlayerSpawn.
all examples in example.pwn

But, all operations with weapons and ammo should be passed through them. (actually the incorrect data will be until then while the player will not shoot. (It concerns only "old-type" pickups and аммо purchases))

I have included in an example how correctly to work with pickups.

If will find serious lags inform me please

Download this:

(bad english. sorry )

It's impossible to make in another way

I have found solution allowing to obtain true data about ammo. And also realised it in include functions.
Try demo example to see results.


Apparantly, this doesn't even exist.

Originally Posted by G_ROW_Chez
ыыыыы бля вовчиГ... ты популярен... Сеиф тя похвалил xD

I have found new inaccuracy with the weapon in transport. I do the new include version.

Originally Posted by [RP
Jolteon ]
Yes But not the last


G_ROW_Chez, тут говорят по английски [Here talking as English Language]

I Know xD

Originally Posted by vovo4ka
Originally Posted by [RP
Jolteon ]
Yes But not the last
It can't be version 0 -.-

it can be basic version...i mean null, nothing... Work is not complete... next version will be 0.7 i guess xD

Wtf is this, explain ^^,

znake, maybe you will learn Russian? Maybe you will understandt us. Russian logic is more then yours. So maybe you will show some respect, because Russians trying to find new answers, not to plagiate.
Sorry for bad english... Some frases from Russian hard to translate.

So... Which one from you, people, have used VWSi.inc ?
Post lags and mistakes here, plz.

Originally Posted by G_ROW_Chez
So... Which one from you, people, have used VWSi.inc ?
Post lags and mistakes here, plz.
they are called bugs...
I think you should check only current player weapon(GetPlayerWeapon) with GetPlayerWeaponData for speed

Originally Posted by G_ROW_Chez
znake, maybe you will learn Russian? Maybe you will understandt us. Russian logic is more then yours. So maybe you will show some respect, because Russians trying to find new answers, not to plagiate.
Sorry for bad english... Some frases from Russian hard to translate.
Thanks for coming to an English forum and demeaning us all..

This could be useful if somert was added like when it gets the players last weapon data it gives the player the guns and ammo he/she had before the left then it deletes there weapons then gives them the weapons back making it sync to shorten it down here:

Playerdisconnect > Saves the players last weapons and ammo
PlayerConnect > Gets all the information for the weapons and ammo the player last had
playerSpawn > Deletes the players last weapons and ammo then use a tmer say 5 seconds > 5seconds later they have all the weapons and ammo back and even better its synced

Of course this will need a lot of work

I didn't want to demean you, but it is true... Only in Russian language exist many combinations of words: "I love you"...
This inc was made to check weapon data very exactly. And speed wasn't main idea. This inc is part of Vovo4kaAntiCheat System... Nice name, i think xDD.

Useful include.

Originally Posted by G_ROW_Chez
maybe you will learn Russian? Maybe you will understandt us. Russian logic is more then yours.
Russian logic? ermm..what the fuck?(never heard of it)
If you come here, then you speak English (because this is an English forum), if you don't know it, then it is your problem ,not some one else.
So the only one, who should learn something here is you.

So maybe you will show some respect

respect for..?

Sorry for bad english... Some frases from Russian hard to translate.

Absolutely ALL the phrases can be translated. (i know this as my mother language is Russian).
If you can't translate them, that doesn't mean they can't be translated or are hard to translate.

Only in Russian language exist many combinations of words: "I love you"...

Give me at least 10 examples. -> You wont, as there are no so much.

The only thing i agree with you is that Russian language is TOP language (richest on the world, as all languages came form it.).


Thx! I made a powerful anti-cheat on it

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