21.03.2018, 12:46
why it's returning me "Unknown command" when i spam? i tryed with return COMMAND_ZERO_RET, COMMAND_OK also and still not working..
public e_COMMAND_ERRORS:OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[], e_COMMAND_ERRORS:success) { if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastCMDTime") != 0 && gettime()-GetPVarInt(playerid, "LastCMDTime") < 1) { return COMMAND_DENIED; } if(svRestarting <= 60 && IsSvRestarting) { SS(playerid, COLOR_GREY, RestartingMSG, RestartingMSGEN); return COMMAND_DENIED; } switch(success) { case COMMAND_UNDEFINED: SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ERROR: That command doesn't exists. Type /help!"); } SetPVarInt(playerid, "LastCMDTime", gettime()); return COMMAND_OK; }