18.03.2018, 15:13
I need a function which counts loaded filterscripts. Is there any way to check if filterscript loads/unloads successfully?
OnFilterScriptInit doesn't get called in gamemode.
GetConsoleVarAsString doesn't work as it should.
Also I don't want to do something like this:
Every filterscript:
Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
OnFilterScriptInit doesn't get called in gamemode.
GetConsoleVarAsString doesn't work as it should.
Also I don't want to do something like this:
new gLoadedFilterscripsCount; forward IncreaseLoadedFilterscriptCount(); public IncreaseLoadedFilterscriptCount() gLoadedFilterscripsCount += 1; forward DecreaseLoadedFilterscriptCount(); public DecreaseLoadedFilterscriptCount() gLoadedFilterscripsCount -= 1; forward GetLoadedFilterscriptsCount(); public GetLoadedFilterscriptsCount() return gLoadedFilterscripsCount;
public OnFilterScriptInit() { CallRemoteFunction("IncreaseLoadedFilterscriptCount", ""); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { CallRemoteFunction("DecreaseLoadedFilterscriptCount", ""); return 1; }