17.03.2018, 06:26
Resulting in a server crash. I realize that the specifiers are making problem but I don't know any other way to do it..?
MySQL R41-2
PHP Code:
mysql_format(Database, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM BanData WHERE IPAddress LIKE '%%s%' ORDER BY BannedOn DESC LIMIT 5", targetip);
[03/17/18 07:19:55] [plugins/mysql] mysql_format: invalid format specifier '%O' [03/17/18 07:19:55] [plugins/mysql] error #1065 while executing query "": Query was empty [03/17/18 07:19:55] [plugins/mysql] cache_get_row_count: no active cache [03/17/18 07:19:55] [plugins/mysql] cache_delete: invalid cache id '0' [03/17/18 07:19:55] [log-core] signal 11 (SIGSEGV) catched; shutting log-core down (errno: 0, signal code: 1, exit status: -251144200) |
[03/17/18 07:19:55] [ERROR] mysql_format: invalid format specifier '%O' [03/17/18 07:19:55] [ERROR] error #1065 while executing query "": Query was empty [03/17/18 07:19:55] [ERROR] cache_get_row_count: no active cache [03/17/18 07:19:55] [ERROR] cache_delete: invalid cache id '0' |