Why not normal word processing programs for scripting?

This is not a joke so I need serious answers.
Microsoft Word, Notepad. These are some word processing programs. Why can't we type and make the script there?
Why do we need a special and fancy program like Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code to make scripts?

I have never been into scripting so I was just curious to know

Yes you can use Notepad. Its your choice.
Reason to use advanced text editor programs is that they offer many usual features to handle scripts:
Open many files, use search/replace over opened documents.
Automatic highlight of selected word (mostly useful to see variables).
Highlight pair of brackets.
and so on and so on...

notepad of course, very lite and simple software. reason you can't use notepad in the long run is because it lacks useful and easy access to programming features like compile and debugging etc. in other words what you write in the text editor must be converted into something that your computer can execute, this is also helpful in hiding your original source code, because if you open a compiled file like amx or exe with a text editor, all you will see is an alien language. i'm no expert in programming too but just sharing since i know a some of it.

Some .NET programs have source that can be extracted, even some coders don't know it and they leave code open without knowing it.

You could use Microsoft Office, but fuck that Clippy BS...

Why go lower when you can go higher that's the question. Why use notepad when you got more advanced material you can work with, the moment i tested sublime i never used pawno again.

The main reason is because Text is not the same as Code. It's very different in editing.

If you have this in a regular editor:

most of them will select the whole line on a double click (because it's a whole "word").

However in any decent code editor "if", "bla" and "4" should be the only expressions that get selected when double clicking (seperately).

None of the regular editors support indentation.
Pressing return after a line will not indent it, it will start at the beginning of the line.
Selecting text and press TAB will replace the text with a TAB instead of indenting the selected lines.

Some compilers will not even accept code written in NotePad if you don't turn off all formatting and encoding.

"hallo" in an editor can be encoded in the file.
Code editors mostly show the file as-is.

And so much more...

Oh gotcha, thanks guys

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