The 0.3.7-DL features in next samp versions...

I would like to know if the features of version 0.3.7-DL will be maintained in the next versions of samp. Otherwise, it's not even worth programming the server based on that version.

yes bro. owner said he will include dl feature in a next main release, but future change so never know.

Originally Posted by Munchi
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yes bro. owner said he will include dl feature in a next main release, but future change so never know.
If he's going to include that feature in a main release, why would he bother with cancelling 0.3.8 then?

Originally Posted by DTV
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If he's going to include that feature in a main release, why would he bother with cancelling 0.3.8 then?
i dont know bro. he owner he controls mod.

Everything depends on us, the SA-MP playing community. Most of us think 'Why to upgrade when we're all gucci with 0.3.7 or 0.3.7 R2?' but little does the community know that the possibilities with 0.3.7 DL1 are vast!
For now, have a look over RCRP's vehicle dashboard textdraw. It's possible with 0.3.7 DL1.
If people fear loads of skinmods to get downloaded, there was a include which does not download custom skins for you and you will play with the default skins.
So yep, we gotta understand that 0.3.7 DL1 is a huge contribution by the SA:MP developers. Our activity on that version will decide whether it will stay or not.

Originally Posted by DTV
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If he's going to include that feature in a main release, why would he bother with cancelling 0.3.8 then?
Originally Posted by Kalcor
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SA-MP 0.3.8 has been cancelled and won't be released as the main SA-MP branch. There is lack of interest in the downloading feature by most of the existing SA-MP servers.

Since some servers still want the downloading feature to be available now, 0.3.8 will be re-released as a seperate SA-MP version called 0.3.DL, which will be an optional download and have its own server lists. Parts of the existing 0.3.8 code that aren't related to model downloading will make their way in to 0.3.7 updates. Eventually the downloading feature will be part of a main SA-MP release, but the 0.3.8 version will be skipped.
There's your answer.

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