How to make an animated TD?

Ok so, everything working, kill reward is not giving any problems. But i wanted to make it like something unique, something that animates the Td shown, istead of the common usage : Show>Disappear. I already made a topic regarding this but, well, explain better, is that something regarding timer again?

EDIT: Found something like this,, did someone of you tried using this?

It depends on what effect you want, take progress bars as an example. They get the animated effect because they get updated regularly, but the actual purpose of a textdraw is as the name implies. Text drawn on a players screen.

You can show and hide the textdraw as you move it from left to right or vice versa using loops... It's just loops though...

What we're trying to do is maybe resize it like

For example the textdraw starts big and it resizes to a small size

You can use a repeating timer to change the AA value, so it will have a fade effect.

This includes all kind of animations except moving the textdraws. There's a fading example in it.

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