Problem with my Script

Seeking someone who helps me with TeamViewer, because of my scripting problems.

If you are interested, please contact me.

can u just show us a code?

Hey Mugalito, no i cant... can u help with Teamviewer?

what errors do you get?
post here the errors because i don`t know if someone will actually build your gamemode via teamviewer.

Its not Errors, my Server crashd if i make /Newitem but i dont found the Command in my Script...

Show us the code or we can't help you.

if you can`t even find a command in your scripts its better to start one from scratch and see how the code works and what some things do.

you can find your cmd via


CMD:newitem ; COMMAND:newitem ; YCDM:newitem strcmp("/newitem" etc

depends on your command processor.

Why come onto the forums asking for help, and yet only want one person to look at it defeating the purpose of a community forum... That's the reason why this "PM me" and "Give me TeamViewer and I'll fix" isn't right at all...

Just because they fix it FOR you, doesn't mean they are helping you at all... It's like you take your car to the garage to get the car fixed, they fix it, then next month it'll be back in the shop. Where if you learn from a mechanic on what needs to be done, then you won't need the mechanic.

Like oil changes... Sure, they can change it for you, but you're simply wasting money by getting them to do it.

Also, try something the same 'length' as newitem, such as /olditem.

Ensure you aren't running any filterscripts, to avoid having something else that has that command.

If you don't have any command newitem, then why were you using it? I suspect you've left newitem in somewhere that you had it prior and forgot to remove it or something like you haven't replaced the AMX file or such.

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